摘要: | 由相關領域之各大期刊蒐集得到的許多研究文獻中,都曾經提出一些時間窗口(Time Window)網路的模型及相關的研究,這一類的研究大多著重以在時間窗口網路的基礎上,解決找尋最短路徑或交通工具繞徑等問題。在此模型之下,有些狀況未曾被考慮過,本文將找出這些因素並加以研究,研究結果大致可以歸納如下:第一、根據此類問題的實際狀況,提出生理時鐘(Body Clock)的時間條件,以彌補網路模型的不足,並提出解決貨運排程問題的演算方法。第二、研究旅行者在時間窗口網路上,所循路徑之彈性問題,並提出演算方法以找出最有時間彈性之路徑。第三、在時間網路模型中,加入生理時鐘之條件,並研究其彈性之相關議題。 Time window has been a common form of time constraint extensively considered in the literature. Basically, a time window is a time period, defined by the earliest and latest times, when a node is ready for traveling through. Although many variants of transportation problem in time-window networks have been proposed, none of them considers the possibility that time windows may be associated with the moving travelers or vehicles who travel only in these time periods. In this dissertation, a new variant of time-window constraint, we call it body clock constraint, is proposed at first. We assume that each vehicle has its own body clock and a capacity limitation on carrying goods, and we are trying to determine a minimal time schedule for sending a certain amount of goods from source to destination in a time-window network. The problem is studied by two cases, the first case considers single vehicle scheduling while the second one discusses multiple vehicles. Two different algorithms are presented to find the optimum schedule for each of the two cases. Secondly, to plan and select a path under a constraint on the latest entering time at the destination node, we propose a systematic method to generate time information of the paths and nodes on a time-window network. Algorithms are proposed to generate various time characteristics of the nodes, including the earliest and latest times of arriving at, entering, and departing from each node on the network. Using the basic time characteristics, we identify inaccessible nodes that cannot be included in a feasible path. Concurrently, we evaluate the flexibilities of accessible nodes in the waiting time and staying time. We also propose a method to measure adverse effects when including an arc. Based on the time characteristics and the proposed analysis schemes, we develop an algorithm for finding the most flexible path in a time-window network. We then extend the time window network to include body clock with traveler. Time characteristics of nodes and arcs are generated similarly. The flexibility and inaccessibility analyses of nodes and arcs are also discussed. Similarly, we provide an algorithm to find the most flexible path in this time-window network with traveler’s body clock. |