由於資訊科技快速發展,使得現今資訊流通速度與廣度遠遠地超越人們所能想像,資訊快速流通使得各式各樣的資訊比以往更容易取得,也因為如此,我們學習的機制也漸漸開始有了改變。關於遠距教學的發展,早先為了因應多樣化學習需要而發展出來的,但是往往所使用的媒介平台都有相對的缺點,使教學效果一直無法跟傳統的教室教學相比,一直被認為是一種附屬的、非正統的學習方式。但現今,由於網際網路的快速普及、多媒體形式與網路無遠弗屆的特性,再加上政府機構的推動下,因此遠距教學成為寄予厚望的新平台。根據過去的文獻研究,遠距教學有其正面的效果,但相對也有其缺點,由於缺乏各領域方面的研究,本研究希望改變以往的取樣對象進行研究,增加其概化程度(Generalizability),以提供不同的發現,針對未來教學上提供建議。 本研究中之獨立變數分別為教學環境(Learning Environment)以及學習動機(Motivation),以實驗法(Experimentation)的方式進行實驗,評估不同教學環境及何種學習動機,將影響學員的學習興趣,導致學習成效的不同;相依變數主要顯示在不同的教學環境下所產生之學習效果,本研究以學習成效的改變加以衡量,其中包含課後成績、自我效能、滿意度;另外以學習風格作為調節影響,看學員在不同的學習環境下是否因學習方式的不同而影響學習成效;在控制變數方面,本研究將學員的先前基礎能力和教師、評量工具等因子控制住,以確保實驗組及控制組裡兩群受測者的同質性(Homogeneity),以達成本研究所要探討之目的,不致產生偏差。 Under the rapid development of technology, the flow of information and stuff is accelerated more quickly than that people expect so that everyone can get diversified information more easily than before, and further thereby gradually changes our learning mechanism until now. To the growth of distance education, there were many prototypes produced for the need of learning in early period, but there were also some faults on them, hampering the learning effect comparing to traditional learning, and they had been attributed to an auxiliary and informal learning approach. Recently, with the popularity of Internet where any sort of media could go through and aggressive push from government, the distance education will be a new platform of learning. According the literature review in the effect of distance education, there are lots of researches to discuss this issue pro and con. Due to the lack of discussion from each field, this study will differentiate the approach from before their subjects were always from school, and elevate the Generalizability in order to delicate the different findings for the reference of learning approach in the near future. In the field experiment, different learning environments and learning motivations substantially influenced the subjects on learning process so as to produce distinctive learning performance or effectiveness including achievement, self-efficacy, and satisfaction. Subjects with various learning styles also interacted diversely with learning environment and reflected different performance during the different learning approaches. These findings could suggest that each individual owns himself or herself traits to fit learning environment and gets better performance, and trainer could create a unique learning approach for individuals who own these characteristics. Furthermore, the experiment had held the some factors in order to keep the homogeneity between control group and experimental group so that the study could gain more the precise insight into the difference between two learning environments.