由於近年來大陸市場的迅速崛起,台灣企業紛紛搶進大陸市場。然而面對台灣與大陸兩個截然不同的市場,企業嘗試發展一個令消費者信任的品牌,和靈活運用行銷的觀念已經成為企業不可或缺的策略性工具。但是環境迅速地變遷,台灣企業若不瞭解兩岸消費者生活型態上的差異,因而貿然進入大陸市場是很危險的。而既有的理論中,較少從品牌和生活型態的角度來看兩岸的差異,文獻中也較少提及。 過去文獻中提到品牌信任與承諾的關連性很大,而承諾會進一步影響到消費者的購買意圖,涉入程度也會對品牌信任和承諾之關係有影響,因此本研究的目的希望藉由兩岸的實徵研究,更進一步瞭解品牌信任與消費者之間的關係。本研究也透過探索性因素分析,找出造成兩岸生活形態有所差異的因素,研究發現: 1. 對兩岸的消費而言,品牌信任都會對承諾產生顯著的影響。 2. 對兩岸的消費而言,涉入程度對於品牌信任和承諾之關係並無顯著的干擾效果。 3. 對兩岸的消費而言,承諾對於消費者的購買意圖有顯著的中介效果。 4. 對台灣的消費者而言,不同生活型態的族群,在購買意圖上有顯著的差異。 5. 對大陸的消費者而言,不同生活型態的族群,在購買意圖上沒有顯著的差異。 The China market has been rising sharply for recent years. Many Taiwan companies have been eager to enter into China market. However, it's important for enterprises to use marketing tools flexibly in these two markets. And it's dangerous for companies if they don't know the differences of lifestyle between China and Taiwan in the environment changed dramatically. And there are few literatures with regard to brand trust and differences between China and Taiwan. Studies show that the relation between brand trust and commitment is so significant, and further, commitment influences the purchase intention of consumers. Involvement can also affect the relationship between brand trust and commitment. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to find the relationships between brand and China and Taiwan consumers. With Exploratory Factor Analysis, we made these results below: 1.There is significant influence of brand trust on commitment for Taiwan and China consumers. 2.Involvement has no significant influence on the relationship between brand trust and commitment for Taiwan and China consumers. 3.There is significant interference effect of involvement on commitment for Taiwan and China consumer. 4.Groups with diverse lifestyle have significant difference between Taiwan consumers. 5.Groups with diverse lifestyle have no significant difference between China consumers.