近年來企業相繼投入建置跨組織的資訊系統,在導入時伴隨著企業流程再造的進行,對組織帶來極大的衝擊。因此如何成功的導入跨組織的資訊系統,已是近年來產學各界探討的重要議題。 本研究目的在探討製造業在供應鏈體系電子化的過程,以第一家重電機業者參與經濟部工業局「重點產業體系電子化專案」之「華城電機體系企業間電子化計畫」為研究對象,研究對象也是第一家採用「台灣區電機電子工業同業公會」所訂定之「重電機產業電子化標準」的公司,藉以探討如何導入跨組織資訊系統並與供應商建立連線,達成供應鏈協調運作的過程。運用個案研究法,本研究詳細描述跨組織資訊系統導入過程的各階段工作及其結果,藉此發展出一個製造業體系電子化五階段的程序模型,依序為電子化範圍的選擇、企業流程再造、跨組織系統的開發、供應商連線模式的選擇、和效益評估。 Recently, many enterprises have invested in developing inter-organizational systems (IOS). Accompanying with inter-business process reengineering, this has created tremendous impact on involved organizations. How to implement an IOS successfully has become a common concern for both practitioners and researchers. This research is to study the entire process of an e-business initiative of a supply chain in manufacturing industry. Through the implementation of an IOS and establishing interfaces with the suppliers, the partners in the supply chain can collaborate more efficiently and effectively. Using the case study approach, we elaborate on the tasks and achievements in each stage throughout the e-business process. As a conclusion we propose a 5-stage process model. The stages are e-business scooping, inter-business process reengineering, inter-organizational information system development, suppliers’ selection of interface model, and e-business performance evaluation.