論文摘要 隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展及持續增加的使用者,愈來愈多的企業加入電子商 務的行列。而線上拍賣是電子商務活動中成長最快的項目之一。對於個人買家及 賣家而言,透過網際網路是種新的交易方式。但是,它和傳統的拍賣方式仍有相 當大的不同,因為線上拍賣的使用者都是以匿名的方式參與交易的過程。然而, 就是因為線上交易存在著不確定性及風險性,線上拍賣業者提供多種線上服務, 例如:回饋機制(Feedback Mechanism )、公平擔保人服務(Escrow Service )、 詐欺保障等機制,希望藉著這些機制來降低使用者的認知風險,提高買、賣家交 易的意圖及行為。 然而,儘管在線上拍賣市場中回饋機制是被廣為使用的一種機制,在台灣卻 很少有相關的實證研究去證實它的確能夠有效地引起買家對賣家的信任。因此, 本研究的目的就在探討線上拍賣市集中回饋機制是否能影響買家對賣家的信 任,且買家的信任傾向及過去經驗等因子如何對買家信任的形成產生調節的影 響。而經由線上調查所蒐集的資料提供了有力的證據去支持研究假設的成立。本 研究發現賣家過去的聲譽會影響買家對於賣家的認知信任之程度,且個人的信任 傾向及過去使用線上拍賣的經驗確實存在有調節作用於買家對於賣家信任的形 成。 Abstract With the prosperous development of Internet and the increasing Internet users, a numerous business has engaged in e-commerce. Online auction is one of the most popular commercial activities on the Internet. It is a new way for individual buyers and sellers to exchange products through the Internet. But, it is quite different from traditional auction because of anonymity of participants. Due to the uncertainty and risk in online trading, the auctioneers have provided various online services (e.g. feedback mechanisms, escrow services, fraud protection) to induce buyer and seller’s intention to transact. However, despite the widely use of feedback mechanisms in online auction markets, there has been little empirical evidences in Taiwan to verify the effectiveness of reputation mechanisms that can induce buyers’ trust. Hence, this study aims to examine the extent to which trust can be induced by online feedback mechanisms in online auction markets, and how the moderating factors, such as buyers’ disposition to trust and past experience, affect buyer’s trust formation. Data collected from Internet survey provide evidences to support the proposed hypotheses. This study has found that a seller’s reputation information has an impact on buyer’s perception of trust in a seller. And, individual’s disposition to trust and past experience in using online auction services really have moderating effects on buyer’s trust formation toward seller’s reputation information.