台灣網路使用人口、普及率和發展、利用資訊與通訊科技的程度極高,而網路使用者平均每週上網時數亦有逐年增長的趨勢。然而,就在網際網路帶給人們豐富訊息與便利的同時,也衍生出了一些問題,那就是有部分網路使用者可能在網路使用過程中,因過度沈迷而產生一種心理性的依賴症狀,稱之為「網路成癮 (Internet Addiction)」。隨著網際網路的普及與上網人口的增加,因沈迷於網路而造成工作、家庭及學業困擾的問題也逐漸受到重視。而目前國內現有研究中,以對大學院校學生網路成癮現象探討最多,較少針對高職資處科學生的網路成癮現象做研究,一般來說,就讀高職相對於高中所承受的升學壓力較小,且在國中時期的學業表現大多較不理想,再加上資處科使用電腦、網路的機會遠高於商職其他科系,該族群成為網路成癮高危險群的機率似乎較高,因此本研究鎖定高職資處科學生做為研究對象,並探討高職資處科學生網路成癮現象對身心健康及學業成績的影響。 本研究採問卷調查方法,對象以國立高職資料處理科之學生為樣本,有效問卷為1052份,回收率為92.5%,研究結果發現: 1.全體研究對象住宿處有電腦、上網設備者比例皆極高;上網地點則皆以住宿處最多;最常使用的網路連線方式皆為ADSL。 2.網路成癮高危險群平均每天上網時數高出全體研究對象近1.5倍;高危險群上網頻率為每天使用者,亦高出全體研究對象近1.6倍之多,此兩項比例兩者差異最為顯著。 3.不同年級出現網路成癮之比例顯著不同,其中一、二年級網路成癮之比例最高;男性出現網路成癮之比例顯著高於女性許多;網路成癮高危險群在神經質量表之總分顯著較高;網路成癮高危險群之學業成就則顯著較低。 最後根據以上各項研究結果,對於具網路成癮傾向的學生能夠適時提供輔導及幫助,及早預防沈迷網路所帶來的各種不良影響,並對後續研究者提出建議。 The population of Internet-using in Taiwan is higher than before. The time of using Internet has great increased among the Internet users. This phenomenon has bought out a problem- Internet Addiction. The aim of the study is to investigate the phenomenon of Data Processing Department students of vocational school and to explore this phenomenon of Internet Addiction influences the students’ physical and mental health and school performance. Questionnaires from 1052 respondents were returned to test the model. The results of this study include: (1) The rate of respondents having computers and Internet access is pretty high. The place of Internet access is in the dormitory and using ADSL. (2) Internet addicted respondents spend significantly more time than others about 1.5 times and the rate of Internet addicted respondents using Internet is higher than others about 1.6 times. (3) The rate of Internet Addiction in different grades has significant discriminition. The rate of first and second gardes Internet addicted is higher, and male is higher than female. The school performance is worse. Based on the result of this study, several suggestions were provided. Hopefully, they could become effective bases for counseling and future studies for Inetrnet Addiction.