近十年來,國家政府逐步放寬對銀行業的管制及限制,加上金融六法的修訂與金控公司的成立等,均對銀行的經營環境產生衝擊性的改變,在此之時,本國銀行業者應當適度地調整組織以適應環境的變遷,然而在進行組織調整或變革之前,有必要對銀行的組織文化與組織承諾做進一步的探究,以觀察其對於組織變革之影響程度。因此,本研究以某外商銀行H公司及本國銀行F公司為研究對象,探討組織承諾與組織文化間的關係,對於組織變革之影響。 實際蒐集本論文研究對象之次級資料與訪談後發現,H公司之IT部門在變革的初期由於缺乏與內部人員的溝通,故在變革推行之時,仍有些許阻力存在。經由部門主管不斷的宣達並採取相關措施之後,不但增強了部門內部向心力,同時也為組織成員間加入潤滑的效果,並讓IT部門的組織文化由原始的保守轉變為較柔性、活潑。而這些改變當然間接的影響了IT部門在工作上的表現,並正向帶動著組織變革之進行,使其至今能有顯著的成效。相對地,以F公司而言,其更趨封閉保守的組織文化,使其在變革的實施上,能順利完成。然而在經歷多次組織重整之後,發現對於整體營運的效益上,並無顯著之貢獻,可見組織文化及組織承諾在組織變革中,扮演著極為重要的角色。 Since the last decade, governmental regulations to the banks have changed the entire business settings. Banks should adapt themselves to fit the changing environment. However, before executing an organizational change, organization culture and commitment should first be studies, in order to understand their effects on the change. Therefore, this study tries to find out the relationship between organization commitment and culture and their effects on the change by analyzing the case of a foreign H company and a local F company. After gathering and analyzing information from interviews, this study finds out that the change in the H company encountered some difficulties due to the lack of communication at the beginning of the change. However, after taking appropriate actions, the IT department not only united together but also switched its conservative culture to a more vigorous one. All those changes lead to a better work performance among members and positively influenced the proceeding of the change that finally turned out to be successful. On the other side, the F company also get through with an organizational change with its even more conservative culture. However, after a number of changes, the performance rarely increased. As a result, organization culture and organization commitment play an important role during the organizational change.