摘要: | 在全球激烈的競爭環境下,台灣中小企業在全球供應鏈扮演的製造分工角色已漸漸被大陸、東南亞國家取代,台灣中小企業面臨規模無法跟國際大廠競爭,生產成本又無法跟大陸等國家競爭的進退維谷困境中該何去何從? 自行車A-Team聯盟拋棄傳統「零合」的競爭思維,採用競合策略,成功塑造創新競合模式典範,也提供了台灣中小企業跳脫困境的解決之道。本研究從探討A-Team聯盟成員的採行策略,歸納整理並提出可行的競合模式,提供台灣中小企業參考。 本研究係探索性研究,利用次級資料分析法,分析4個個案公司資料,分別扮演企業、競爭者、供應商等角色,用競合理論、五力分析檢驗個案公司採行策略,並分析影響競合組織成功的因素及建議的可行策略。 研究發現:影響競合組織運行成功的因素有 (1)當面對困境時,會鼓勵競合組織形成。(2)成員是否有共同目標、互信、利益分享。(3)成員間承諾。(4)成員傾向差異化。 研究發現:企業可採行策略有(1)學習競合組織成員長處。(2)形成競合組織,著眼在有共同利益、目標。(3)藉由與競爭對手合作,形成良性競爭,共同行銷,開拓市場,提升整體產業形象。 研究發現:競爭者可採行策略有(1)企業與競爭者尋求差異化,無論是產品或經營模式。(2)與競爭者知識分享可能會危害企業核心競爭力。(3)競合組織成員差異化結果,導致彼此生意往來甚至形成互補。(4)競爭對手策略可藉由與領導對手合作,學習生產管理、行銷通路,來提高市場佔有率。 研究發現:供應商可採行策略有(1)學習競合組織中成員長處。(2)改善生產品質、流程、交期準確。(3)聯合客戶獲得較大利益。(4)要求分配利益。 In past business environment of cut-throat global competition, Taiwan SMEs played as manufacturers in the global supply chains. But now companies of China and Southeast Asian Nations replace the roles. Because the scales of Taiwan SME were much smaller than global company and the product costs were higher than companies of China and Southeast Asian Nations. The members of Taiwan cycling A-Team alliance adopt innovative co-opetion business model. The model has succeeded and may suggest strategies other Taiwan SME can adopt. The study selects and analyzes data of four A-Team’s companies that play roles as firm, competitor, and suppliers respectively. The study adopts co-opetion theory and five-force theory to discuss the strategies adopted by A-Team’s companies. The study also finds factors that may impact co-opetion alliance. The study finds factors that may impact co-opetion alliance, such as (1) difficult situation, (2) same objectives, trust, benefits sharing, (3) commitment, (4) differential. The study finds that company may adopt strategies such as (1) learning from other members of co-opetition alliance, (2) good competition with each other, (3) co-promotion. The study finds that competitor may adopt strategies such as (1) learning from other members of co-opetition alliance, (2) differential with leader, (3) increasing market share by learning production and promotion from leader. The study finds that supplier may adopt strategies such as (1) learning from other members of co-opetition alliance, (2) improving quality, process, delivery time, (3) uniting customer, (4)benefits sharing. |