WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)技術的發展,在過去幾年內吸引了許多產、官、學界的目光,WiMAX也幾乎成為無線寬頻技術的同義詞。而台灣行動通信產業在面臨到市場飽和削價競爭,營業利潤逐漸下滑之際,業者尋找新的通訊技術與服務來開拓新的市場與利潤,於是乎,業者對於WiMAX無線寬頻技術與無線寬頻接取服務(BWA)寄予厚望,期待能替業者創造更多利潤。 然而目前WiMAX技術標準尚未完全制定,終端設備發展尚未成熟,用戶需求不明的情況下,WiMAX對行動通信業者經營模式影響目前並不明朗。本研究參照Bouwman的通信產業商業模式架構,針對WiMAX技術與服務領域進行深入研究,並應用Anderson所提出之「長尾理論」來分析預測未來行動通信產業發展的脈絡,並以國內外主要行動通信業者透過多個案研究法,來模擬推論未來行動通信業者在WiMAX無線寬服務上可能的經營模式。 WiMAX has seized the headlines to such an extent in the past two years that it is has become almost synonymous with broadband wireless access. However, the WiMAX standard and product are still under developing, customer’s demand is uncertain. So the impact of WiMAX to operator is ambigious. Telecom market are mature and fully competition, operators are looking for new opportunity to generate revenue to make sure company survival, WiMAX seems as good chance for operators to catch new market and revenue due to its advance performance and multiple services. The industry might need to develop new business model due to technology and service revolution brought by WiMAX. The study cited Long Tail theorem and business model framework to inspect WiMAX technology and services, evaluate their viability, and derive possible business model for challengers.