資訊科技服務管理(ITSM)在國內尚未普遍地被各企業所接受,但其管理內涵及架構標準卻已在國際間受到重視,許多國際型企業也紛紛導入此標準,而伴隨著資訊標準化流程的架構建立,更可為企業提升服務水準及形象,對現今服務水準持續不斷提升的國內產業環境而言是項福音,如何在企業內導入此標準,也是大家所關心的焦點。 本研究以個案公司(遠東國際商業銀行)作為導入資訊科技服務管理(ITSM)的探討對象,藉著評估個案公司現有的資訊架構及環境,探討公司在導入此標準時的先後順序及導入方式,希望提供個案公司在未來建立此標準環境時的參考。 本研究在評估個案公司資訊環境後針對五個項目提出結論:(1)、ITIL架構導入順序、(2)、人員的教育訓練、(3)、CMDB(組態資料庫)的建立、(4)、專案團隊的設立、(5)、公司高層的支持,並提出六項研究建議。在個案公司未來實際的導入評估時可以提供協助。 其實資訊科技服務管理(ITSM)只是種IT 的管理方法之一,是世界上眾多企業的IT 服務管理實際經驗的總結。而企業施行此標準必須是持續不斷的進行程序修正的,絕對不是在專案執行導入後就一蹴可幾的,如此才會在企業的資訊體質上永續改進。 Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) have not been generally adopted by the companies in Taiwan. However, following its management contents and infrastructure standards have been emphasized by many companies worldwide. Many international companies have followed the standards to construct their information infrastructure so as to improve their operations and service levels. It is believe that such a standard for building an information technology infrastructure is beneficial to companies in Taiwan when they are facing an ever-changing business environment. FEIB (Far Eastern International Bank) is the research site for evaluate the feasibility and difficulties for implementing the ITSM standards in this study. Through an in-depth evaluation of the company’s information technology environment, this research identifies the priorities for implementing the standard and pinpoints the difficulties and suggests their remedies. Such an evaluation is expected to be useful for the case company to implementation ITSM in the future. The five suggestions for the company is: (1) the priority of the implementation steps; (2) trainings for the people; (3) to build up the CMDB; (4) to set up a professional project team and its members; (5) support from the company’s stakeholders. The study also suggests six guidelines for developing the infrastructure of the company according to the standard in the future. ITSM is one of the IT management solutions. It contains the best practices for most of the company’s IT service management. Such an implementation is an ongoing process that requires continuous supports from the entire company and becomes institutionalized.