使用部落格逐漸成為網友的全民運動,使用者的年紀也有增長的趨勢,再加上明星部落客、達人的竄紅,使得「部落格行銷」、「部落格經濟」等相關名詞也接二連三的被拿出來討論,滑鼠是否真的能夠點出大生意。因此,本研究將實驗的方式,透過以內容豐富程度對廣告效果之影響的模式為基礎,探討部落格作者類別與部落格態度居中的調節效果。實驗的組別以內容豐富度 (高?低) 和作者類別 (職業部落客?客觀的專家?一般網友) 共六組,以模擬作者、部落格情境的方式作研究。研究結果發現,本研究架構在3-way ANOVA分析之下,內容豐富程度、作者類別和部落格態度對廣告效果具有顯著的調節效果。同時,客觀的專家是具有最佳的廣告效果,最差的是職業部落客。最後,本研究建議,部落格行銷的效果終究有限,不斷地找出更細膩與創新的行銷模式才是首之要務。 Recently, blogging has become a popular activity for many Internet users. Nowadays come from different age groups. The blogging phenomenon has induced new blog-related application and concepts (e.g., blog marketing, blog economy) which, has become important hot topics for Internet user. This phenomenon brings a major question: whether blogging will actually generate profit. In this study, a main effect between blog information richness and its advertising effectiveness is proposed and examined. In addition, the moderating effects of both “blogger types” and “attitude toward blogging” on this effect are investigated. A six group lab experiment design was employed, combining blog information richness (two levels: high and low) and types of blogger (three types: professional blogger, objective experts and general Internet surfers), to simulate the context for this study. Through a 3-way ANOVA analysis, some moderating effects such as information richness, blogger types and attitudes toward the blogging ware confirmed. Furthermore, the best advertising effect was found to be provided from objective experts, whereas professional bloggers was the worst. Finally, managerial suggestions are provided.