隨著網路技術與多媒體的快速發展,網路廣告的雙向溝通、低成本、即時等 特性,逐漸成為行銷溝通的熱門管道。透過互動獲得回饋,行銷者可了解顧客的 需求並達到廣告效果。近年來,許多文章探討以故事的方式用於行銷活動中,研 究亦指出說故事行銷能夠提升消費者對產品態度及購買意圖。現今,廣告商也紛 紛採用故事手法來行銷。以故事本身的性質(娛樂、導引、告知和說服的最佳工 具)來達成廣告的目的(告知、提醒和說服消費者),讓消費者有身歷其境的感覺, 並讓消費者與故事產生互動。本研究在探討提供品牌產品相關的故事外,加入共 創的概念,邀請消費者想像一段其使用廣告產品的故事,透過寫一段自己的故 事,增加消費者對品牌的連結。 本研究中亦提出心像與自我-品牌連結兩概念,探討互動性與故事兩網路廣 告設計之特性,是否透過心像進而影響自我-品牌連結影響廣告效果。並加入個 人想像力生動程度為調節變項,探討消費者個人差異是否會干擾自變數與心像之 關係。本研究之研究方法採用實驗設計的方式。在操弄變數上,將互動分為 互動與無互動、故事分為無故事、提供故事與寫故事。呈現一 2×3×2 之實驗設 計。 研究結果顯示,具有互動性與故事的網路廣告能使消費者產生較多心像進而 產生自我-品牌連結,以達到廣告效果(產品態度與購買意圖)。故事基礎的網路 廣告較互動廣告能幫助消費者產生更多的心像。更進一步分析,不論消費者想像 力高低,提供故事較互動產生較多的心像。邀請消費者寫故事部分,在想像力高 的情況下,產生略高於互動之心像;在想像力低的情況下,產生低於互動的心像 效果。 With the rapid development of multimedia and Internet technologies, online advertising become a popular way for marketing communication. By the value of interactivity, Marketer could invite consumer to take part in online campaigns and advance consumers’ understandings of the product thus understand consumer’s preference then achieve the goal of advertisement. Recently, narrative regarded as a useful tool for marketing. Through the characteristics of story to achieve the goal of the advertising (entertain, guide, inform, and persuade customers).Our study explored not only providing a story attaching the brand or product, but also adding the concept of co-creation, inviting consumer to write a self-story that imaging they are using the product in order to build the connection between consumers and brand. The main goal of this study is examined whether interactivity and story affect mental imagery and produced higher SBCs in order to enhance the likelihood to buy product and attitude toward the brand. In addition, adding imagination as moderator to examine whether individual’s difference moderating the effect of two antecedents (interactivity and story) on mental imagery. The results suggested that with more interactivity and story-based online ad will lead to more vivid mental imagery than general online ad then lead to higher SBCs and achieve the goal of advertising. In addition, providing a story produced higher vivid mental imagery than interactivity did regardless the conditions of imagination. Writing a story produced little higher mental imagery than interactivity did under high imagination, but lower mental imagery than interactivity did under low imagination.