摘要: | 台灣和日本在70~90年代所創造的經濟榮景,一直以來都被各界視為奇蹟,也引起一陣研究和模仿的旋風。目前在台灣投資設廠或合資或技合的的日系企業超過一千多家,在這些日系企業的營運活動當中,其管理模式受到日本的影響甚深,從中心到衛星工廠的中衛體系,各項管理模式從導入、學習、教育到推廣,一脈相承。尤其是早期提升品質之全面品質管理系統TQM(Total Quality Management),及為降低生產設備的故障率、提高設備使用率之全面預防保養管理制度TPM(Total Preventive Maintenance or Total Productive Maintenance),以及提高生產人員作業效率及產能稼動率之全面生產管理系統TP(Total Productivity)管理之導入,更是對於在台日系企業競爭力之提升居功厥偉。 近幾年來歐美企業掀起一股6 Sigma的旋風,企業爭相學習「六個標準差的管理」。西風東漸,日本各大企業也紛紛加入行列,投入6 Sigma管理提高企業之競爭力。台灣的日系企業面對產業環境變遷等嚴厲的挑戰,也在母公司的提攜之下,陸續導入六個標準差的管理模式。 本研究旨在探討企業如何在既有的品質管理TQM管理系統,以及降低故障率提高設備使用率之TPM管理系統以及提高生產效率、產能之TP生產管理系統的管理架構下,導入6 Sigma的管理模式,強化經營體質,創造競爭優勢,來提高企業經營績效。 The economic prosperity created by Taiwan & Japan from 1970s to 1990s is generally thought as a miracle and as a result has caused a torrent of research & imitation around the world. At present, more than 1000 companies in Taiwan are affiliated with Japanese companies through direct investments, joint ventures, or technological cooperation. Without doubt, most of these companies model their operational models after their Japanese parent companies, Some of these models include TQM(Total Quality Management, which is used to enhance the quality of products), TPM(Total Preventive Maintenance or Total Productive Maintenance, which is aimed to reduce the rate of deficiency of manufacturing equipment and increase the rate of productivity of equipment), and TP management(Total Productivity, which is adopted to upgrade the work efficiency of the operators), are widely known to have contributed immensely to the enhancement of the competitiveness of Japanese enterprises in Taiwan. In recent years, a new trend of “6 Sigma” originated from European and American enterprises has become the mainstream managerial concept throughout the world. Many enterprises are now immersed in the " 6 Sigma " current. Without doubt, this trend now sweeps through the east as well. Consequently, Japanese enterprises also begin to adopt this new idea to further increase their competitive ability with the so-called "6 Sigma management". Facing the environmental challenges, Taiwanese companies, with the help of their Japanese mother companies, are also actively ushering in the" 6 Sigma management" concept to their operations to keep up with the trend. This research is aimed at integrating the "6 Sigma management mode" with the current TQM, TPM and TP systems so that the overall competitiveness and efficiency of Taiwanese companies can be drastically increased. |