網路與電子商務的最大特色就是藉由網路的傳遞,使得各種資訊與經濟活動不再受到空間距離影響,真正達到天涯若比鄰的境界,近幾年來,根據研究調查顯示電子商務的市場,不管美國或台灣甚至於全球,每年的規模都有顯著的成長,而越來越多的中小企業開始使用交易成本低廉、交易渠道廣泛的電子商務平台,其次,電子商務提供了消費者或企業各種所需要的資訊,使得各類的資訊完全透明化,企業無法再利用空間或廣告等方式進行其競爭優勢,發展電子商務成為傳統產業之良機,但是經營一個成功的電子商務平台是個難題,在電子商務的經營與設計來講,推動電子商務必須依賴資訊系統的配合才能推動的更成功,應進一步瞭解電子商務等新經濟的運作、內容、及其利基所在,才能應用在適當的產業及產品之上。 個案公司屬石化產業之中小型加工廠,長久以來,是以出口導向及國內代工之業務為主,而當前有地區突發的金融風暴,另有中國大陸等新興市場的競爭、以石化產業來說,市場需求受到嚴峻的考驗,上述原因,均使得個案公司有難以因應的處境。 因此本研究以「大量客製化」結合電子商務平台,並以個案公司為觀測資料,發展出適用於薄膜加工業的客製化平台,希望能為個案公司帶來具體之效益,長遠來說,希望能強化中、下游之整合,才能增加競爭力,建立善用科技創新能力,確保未來成長。 The main feature of internet and e-commerce is the elimination of space and distance of various information and economic activities through internet transmission to achieve a world with no boundaries. According to recent research and investigations, whether in the States or Taiwan or even the world, e-commerce market has shown a significant growth as each year progress. More and more small and medium enterprises have started to use e-commerce platform which is cheaper in trade cost with broader trade channel. Secondly, e-commerce has provided a wide range of information required by consumers or enterprises, making various types of information completely transparent and impossible for enterprises to gain its competitive advantages through the exploitation of space and advertisement. The development of e-commerce has become an opportunity for traditional industries, but to run a successful e-commerce platform is a difficult question yet to be solved. In terms of running and designing e-commerce, the promotion of e-commerce must rely on coordination from information system in order to achieve successful promotion. Further understanding in the operation, content and benefits of e-commerce and various new economies will be a pre-requisite in order to apply it to matching industries and products. Company in case study is a small-medium petroleum manufacturing factory. For a long time, its operation had focused on exports and domestic sub-manufacture. However, the current sudden eruption of financial crisis in addition to competitions from China and emerging markets has resulted in a rigorous test to the petroleum industry. The above reasons are the cause behind difficulties in adaptation by company under case study. Hence, this research will combine “mass customization” with e-commerce platform in addition to data observed from company under case study to develop a customized platform for thin film finishing industries in hope to bring substantial benefits to company under case study. In the long run, reinforced integration of middle and downstream company is crucial to increase competitivity; in addition, in order to ensure future company growth, technological innovations must be utilized with efficiency.