服務補救在留住客戶和加強顧客關係中扮演關鍵的角色;服務補救在網路市場上卻被視為網路市場的弱點之一。劣質的服務補救會使服務失誤的負面影響更加惡化,而產生所謂的雙重偏差現象。雙重偏差可能源自於賣家的濫用權力,而進一步破壞了買賣雙方的關係,破壞買方的心理合約、引起買方的負面情緒及後續的相關因應行為。本研究企圖以買賣雙方的權力角度,去連結心理合約理論、情緒理論、及因應策略理論來剖析線上拍賣市場的雙重偏差現象。本研究模型同時也考量了兩個與權力有關的構念。 本研究採用網路問卷調查的方式在雅虎奇摩的線上拍賣市場收集資料;最後回收了190份有效的問卷,資料分析的結果顯示本研究所提出的假說大部分都得到支持。本研究結果對於消費者在面對網路上雙重偏差時,消費者心理有哪些的重要評估因素,及後續有哪些不同的情緒反應及因應策略等議題,能提供進一步的解釋和分析。本研究的研究貢獻包含了:(1)把心理合約的概念更廣泛的應用到資訊管理的領域中;(2)解析不同的心理合約之違反和其特定的負面情緒間的關係;(3)實徵驗證不同的負面情緒對於消費者行為之影響;(4)從買賣雙方權力的角度去探討上述關係;(5)對於本研究所主張的假說提供實徵驗證。針對研究結果,本研究提出對於理論和實務意涵之討論。研究限制和未來可能研究方向等也於本研究的最後部分討論之。 Service recovery is a critical moment of truth in retaining customers and reinforcing customer relationships, and has been considered as an “Achilles' heel” in online marketplaces. Poor service recoveries exacerbate the negative effects of the failure, producing a “double deviation” effect. The double deviation effect may arise from the seller’s power misuse and then dissolve the buyer-seller relationship (e.g., violate consumer psychological contract), elicit consumer negative emotions which lead to customer coping behaviors. This study links the theories of psychological contract violation (PCV), emotion, and coping from the power perspective to investigate the double deviation scenario in online auction marketplaces. Two power constructs (perceived power and perceived consumer empowerment) are considered in our proposed model. Data collected from 190 consumers of one auction website provide support for the proposed model. The results shed light on what constitutes the determinants of consumer judgments while facing online double deviation scenario and how consumers react to and cope with it. The contributions of this study include (1) introducing broader configurations of PCV to IS research, (2) an rich understanding of their specific associations with negative emotions, (3) validating the effect of negative emotions on consumers’ coping behaviors, (4) exploring the abovementioned relationships and issues from power perspective, and (5) the provision of empirical support for the proposed relationships. Implications and limitations are discussed.