儘管各產業已經存在很多國際品牌與國際企業,其實世界經濟體正根本地區域化當中 (Cayla and Eckhardt, 2007)。此外,在過去二十年中,在經濟與政治地位上,地理區域已逐漸增加其重要性,例如歐洲共同市場(EU)或東南亞國協(ASEAN)等可見一般。但是,目前與地理區域來源相關之品牌活動議題之研究卻非常的少。因此,為彌補過去研究之缺口,此計劃將嘗試當品牌區域來源 (Region-of-Origin; ROO)觀念之先驅者,首次以三個區域討論地理區域來源形象:北美自由協定(NAFTA)、東南亞國協(ASEAN)及歐洲共同市場(EU)。美國、台灣、印度與越南居民為本計劃之資料蒐集對象,討論其對不同區域來源液晶電視之品牌權益知覺。本計劃期望能發現品牌權益是否會因地理區域來源不同而不同。此外,本計劃也期望能發現關於跨文化因素是否會干擾地理區域來源的形象結果。 Despite the media hype about global brands and global business, the world economy is fundamentally regional (Cayla and Eckhardt, 2007). Moreover, in the past 20 years, regions have become increasingly important at the economic and political levels. However, very little research examines branding activities at a regional level. The current project attempts to fill the literature gap starting from the discussion of the concept of the “Region-of-Origin (ROO)”, this research will focus on the image of ROO of three different regions, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and European Union (EU). Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV industry will be chosen as the research environment and the residents from U.S.A., Taiwan, Indian and Vietnam will be the research sample. The research hopes to find whether the brand equity of ROO differ from region to region or not. Besides, whether cross-culture will moderate the effect of the image of the ROO or not will also be revealed. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907