本論文主要以恆電位儀在電鍍上的應用為目的,而著手實作恆 電位儀量測系統的軟硬體,並且經由實際量測開迴路電壓、極限電 流及極化電阻等等電鍍特性來驗證恆電位儀實作的可行性。並且經 由恆電位儀的掃描電壓-電流曲線中,研究電鍍時所需要設定的參數 以及電鍍的結果比較。相同地,電鍍參數設定找尋方式,應用於微 電鍍系統時的可行性。使得電鍍及微電鍍所需要設定電鍍電壓值或 電鍍電流值時不再是以「嘗試與錯誤的方式」來找尋,以增進對電 鍍參數尋找的速度及可靠性。 The propose on this discussion is mainly focuses on Potentiostat Galvanostate on electroplate; and the software that runs the potentiostat Galvanostate system. Furthermore it goes through measuring real time open circuit voltage, limited current, and polarization resistor for the possible success on laboratory testing. It scans and analyzes the voltage - current curve to set the necessary electroplate parameters. In similarity, electroplate parameters is also possible to use on the system of micro-electroplate. In result the electroplate parameters are no longer be found using the trial and error method, and it strengthens the electroplate parameter searching speed and reliability.