建築物生命週期是包含規劃、設計、發包、施工、營運維護、至最後拆除等六個階段,各階段資訊互有關聯且繁雜,並與設施使用功能息息相關;但是傳統建築物或設施管理系統模式中,常缺乏完整生命週期之資料建檔,致使許多相關文件因年代久遠不易保存而遺失,進而影響建築物維護作業之實施。 本研究首先探討建築物規劃設計施工各階段中可能影響營運維護之重要資訊,並擬定此類資訊儲存架構,進而結合資訊管理技術開發「以生命週期為導向之建築物管理系統」。本系統除可以生命週期之角度管理多棟建築物與其設施外,並能對維護階段之成本進行統計與分析,以作為資源分配之依據。本系統經驗證後可增進建築物之管理決策效率,及相關建築物管理系統開發之參考。 Each structure has six different phases in its life cycle that includes planning, designing, procuring, constructing, maintaining, and dismantling. Each of these phases contains various data that are interrelated. However, traditional facility management systems overlook the importance of maintaining a complete record of building’s life cycle. As a result, crucial data and documents are lost which distorts the application of structural building’s further maintenance procedures. This research integrates information technology into the development of a “Life Cycle Based Building Management System” which manages a group of building and facilities. Furthermore, it can be used as a basis to analyze the cost and the statistics of resources distribution. After the system is tested and verified, it should be able to improve the efficiency in decision making and establish as a reference for the development of similar building management systems.