摘 要 「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」於民國89年由交通部運輸研究所委外開發完成後,國內各橋梁管理單位使用迄今已超過四年,系統內資料庫已建置兩萬多座橋梁資料。而此系統之功能是否完整、是否符合不同管理階層之需求,以及在操作使用上是否有改進之處等,皆有必要加以深入探討。 本研究透過問卷調查與專家訪談,探討「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」目前使用方式、系統功能之完整性,以及此系統與橋梁管理實務上之差異,進而提出相關模組的改善方式,以增進此系統之實用性。其中,維修資料模組亟需重寫改善,以符合填寫實際維修紀錄之需要。而橋梁基本資訊欄位亦應再加檢討,以符合複雜程度不同橋梁之需求。 此外,「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」之橋梁基本資料、檢測資料皆已累積至相當之數量,本研究藉由對系統內資料庫之統計、分析,找出臺灣地區橋梁之現況與使用維護上之特性,並提出積極有效之管理對策,以進一步提升臺灣地區橋梁維護管理成效。 ABSTRACT Taiwan Bridge Management System (T-BMS) was developed in 2000 by the Center for Bridge Engineering Research, National Central University, under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC. Since then, T-BMS has been used by the bridge management agencies in Taiwan to perform their tasks. T-BMS now has an inventory that contains more than 25,000 bridges. Even though T-BMS is proved to be a working and successful system, however, there is still room for improvement: such as completeness of system functions, user friendliness, and users’ additional needs at various management levels. Questionnaires and interviewing experts were simultaneously conducted in this research to discover weaknesses and opinions regarding the T-BMS. Among the results, a strong demand from the users reveals a necessity in rewriting of the “Maintenance” module, since the original one was not able to record the real maintenance practices. In addition, fields of the bridge inventory need to be revised for various types of bridges that have different levels of complexity. A statistical analysis is also performed on the bridges in the T-BMS. Many characteristics such as number of bridges that have no names, number of bridges that exceed a certain length, etc., are counted for management needs. Finally, effective bridge management strategies are also suggested in this research.