國內目前正積極推動「物業管理」服務業,造成市場競爭日趨激烈。然而因傳統作業方式多仰賴人力,無法有效提昇服務品質,故物業管理公司迫切需要採用先進技術來提高管理品質與效率,以強化競爭力。其中,建置「物業管理系統」已成為物業管理公司參與市場競爭的必要手段。 國內對於建築物維護管理系統之研究與建立已初具成果,而多為針對公有建築物如校園建築物之管理,並已進階發展至「以生命週期為導向」之管理系統;但對於私有建築物如公寓大廈所發展之「物業管理系統」,由於其管理維護作業具有多元性,加上使用者之需求繁瑣,目前仍缺乏完善的資訊系統以提供管理上之協助,亦未包含「以生命週期為導向」管理概念之功能。 因此,本研究首先透過資料文獻的整理,探討物業管理系統之發展現況,並透過專家訪談及問卷調查之協助,研擬出物業管理系統未來之發展策略。最後,本研究並建立一「導入建築物生命週期觀念之物業管理系統」,將建築物生命週期管理的觀念導入物業管理,使建築物生命週期各階段之重要資訊,得以保存而應用於建築物之使用維護階段;此外,此系統並提供檢測與維護機制以加強設施設備之管理,以提升公寓大廈物業管理之成效。 “Property Management Service” is being widely promoted in Taiwan which leads to a keen competition in the market. However, such services are usually provided by labors thus only low levels of service quality and efficiency are achieved. A functional “Property Management System” has become a necessity for a property management company in order to maintain its competitiveness in the market. In Taiwan, several research results have been obtained in the development of “Building Management Systems.” Most of the efforts were focusing on maintenance of public buildings, especially for campus buildings. Some “life cycle based management systems” were also established for such buildings. However, due to the complexity of property management tasks, a thorough computer system for managing private buildings has not yet been implemented, nor has the application of “life cycle based management.” Questionnaires and expert interviews experts were conducted in this research for determining required system functions and development strategies of such systems. Based on the findings, a prototypical “Life Cycle Based Property Management System” is established in this research. The system is able to record and store relevant building information in its life cycle that fits the maintenance needs. In addition, the system also provides functions for inspection and maintenance tasks that improve the effectiveness of property management.