台灣為一海島國家,海域資源相當豐富,自民國七十年開放海域遊憩以來,許多濱海遊憩區如雨後春筍般 設立與開發。因應國人未來對觀光需求激增,推展近岸海域觀光實為刻不容緩之事。本研究即探討如何結 合休閒漁業發展海域遊憩,評估合適之水域遊憩活動,以整體系統規劃方式,研擬台灣地區海域遊憩系統 遊程方案,俾提升台灣海域遊憩發展之利基。本計畫之研究目的如下: 1.規畫台灣地區北部區域、東部區域、南部區域、西部區域及離島區域海域遊憩系統。 2.台灣地區港灣功能多元化利用之研析。 3.整合海、陸、空運輸,建立各區域之海域遊憩活動網路。 4.擬定各區域陸域配套遊程,規畫配套軟、硬體措施。 5.研擬各遊憩系統之推動及經營管理方式。 Taiwan is an island full of marine resources. Since 1980s, due to the opening of coastal recreation policy, many coastal recreational facilities have been built. To response to the increasing demand of tourism in the near future, the development of coastal recreation, thus, becomes a major issue. This project contains several major parts, the first is the integrating of leisure fisheries and coastal recreation. The second is the evaluation of proper water-based activities. The third is the comprehensive plan of tour schemes for coastal recreation in every district of Taiwan . The result of the project will be used to promote coastal recreation in Taiwan. The major objectives of the project have been described below: 1. To plan tour schemes of coastal recreation in Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western, and offshore district of Taiwan; 2. To investigate and analyze fishery ports in Taiwan for multi-purpose development; 3. To integrate recreational activity network in Taiwan by integrating water, land and air transportation systems; 4. To design recreational schemes, furthermore, plan relevant facilities in respect to software and hardware; 5. To establish the guideline of promotion and management knowledge in respect to all recreational areas in Taiwan. 研究領域:8901 ~ 8912