本研究主要探討在專案團隊中,有哪些團隊因素會影響團隊績效。本研究所探討的因素包含有轉換型領導風格、小組內衝突(分成任務衝突與關係衝突二種)、團隊內聚力、小組內信任(分成認知信任與情感信任二種)等如何影響專案團隊的工作成效。本研究擬以國內大學資管系修習專題開發課程的小組為研究樣本,並以組內多人填答問卷所得的會總資料為分析單位,用統計回歸等量化分析法以驗證假說。 The present proposal describes the research that identifies variables detrimental or beneficial to the project team effectiveness. Specifically, this study intends to explore the relationship among transformational leadership style, intragroup trust (including cognition- and affect- based), group cohesiveness, intragroup conflict (including task and relationship conflict), and team effectiveness under the project team. Structured survey method was employed to collect data. Samples will be chosen from those senior MIS majored undergraduates in Taiwan』s universities who will be taking a one-year requisite course entitled 「Special MIS Topic and its Prototype Implementation」. The course requires one-year project teamwork on prototype system design and development. Data are to be gathered three times, i.e., the initial, middle, and final stage of one-year project teamwork by using a standardized questionnaire. Questionnaires will be brought to school and delivered in class that assures similar conditions for filling out every questionnaire. Multiple regression technique, in addition to descriptive statistics, will be employed as the primary statistical tools to test the hypotheses. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407