本論文以「晚清狹邪小說的人倫世界——以《品花寶鑑》為例」為題,小說雖為虛構,卻具有經世寫實、反應社會功能。作者陳森屢試不第,流連歌樓酒館,貧乏無以維生,藉由撰寫小說抒發心志,賺取費用。故《品花寶鑑》選擇「男色」為題材,用浪漫狹邪筆法,以「嫖客為才子,優伶為佳人」,記載清代優伶與文士的愛情故事。「人倫」為維繫社會倫常理法依據,其中君臣、父子、夫婦、兄弟、朋友等「五倫」關係,為立身行事準則。在《品花寶鑑》,書中要角全為男性,在「佳人非女」的前提下,陳森自言本書創作「離經叛道」,但實際卻是符合「人倫正道」的「衛道書」。 故本論文藉著分析《品花寶鑑》文本,探討人際關係,本論文主要分為「君臣父子倫」、「夫婦兄弟倫」、「朋友倫」三部分,探討「權威的男同性戀世界」、「真假佳人的男女辯證」與「交友標準的轉變」三類,藉由並以明清時期文人作品為輔,建構晚清男色盛世,評鑑陳森《品花寶鑑》的人倫世界。 This thesis aims to explore human relationship in Precious Mirror of Boy Actresses (Pinhua Baojian) from the perspective of the Five Cardinal Relations (wulun) in Confucianism, including the relations between the ruler and subjects, father and son, husband and wife, siblings, and friends. This study divides the five types of relations into three categories. First, the relations between rule and subjects as well as father and son are discussed together to explore the issue of the authoritarian male-homoerotic world. Secondly, the research on relations between husband and wife and siblings aims to focus on the gender issue of actors/actresses. Thirdly, the relations between friends are to present the transformation of standards for making friends. Other literary works in the same period are employed to provide evidence for the popularity of male homoeroticism in the late Qing Dynasty as mentioned in this book.