摘要: | 中共自實行改革開放政策以來,由於見解不同,改革步調不一致,逐漸形成 保守派與改革派兩大陣營。改革派希望多效法西方,試圖改變發展落後的中國; 保守派認為應當依照中國國情制定合宜的政策,強調意識型態,主張中共領導下 治國。雙方在政治、經濟、社會等各方面常有不同意見,當然其中也利用來當作 中共高層權力鬥爭的工具,使得問題變得更加複雜。 對改革開放以來發生的一些問題,如反對資產階級自由化的爭論;政治經濟 體制改革停滯不前的責任;黨紀不彰、貪污腐化、官倒橫行,社會充斥不滿聲浪。 在各項議題上保守派對改革派針鋒相對,總書記胡耀邦也在1986 年底的學潮中 被鬥爭下台。繼任的趙紫陽在鄧小平支持下持續執行改革開放政策,在十三大時 提出社會主義初級階段論的說法,合理化改革的基礎。不過在反資產階級自由化 和十三大的人事角力問題上和保守派你來我往,關係逐漸惡化。1988 年時推動 物價改革失敗,造成經濟危機,趙紫陽因此失去經濟領域的決策權,連政治地位 也岌岌可危,保守派並曾要求鄧小平撤換總書記。1989 年的天安門事件,以趙 紫陽為首的改革派支持學生的立場,不僅保守派加以攻擊,連鄧小平也不認同, 趙紫陽遭到軟禁,中共高層動用軍隊鎮壓,改革勢力遭受重挫。 With the implementation of the policy of “Open-Door and Reform” in Mainland China, the disagreements on the paces and the viewpoints started to exist in different political groups and for that reason two main groups, conservative and reformers, were shaped then. The Reformists wished to learn more from the West, and hoped it would have a good influence on China, which seemed to fall behind, while the conservatives insisted China leaders should make proper polices that emphasized on “ideology.” What’s more, they also insisted the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) should have sovereignty over China. However, two groups held opposite attitudes toward the issues such as politics, economic and social- related affairs. What’s worse, some of them was employed as tools for power struggle, which made the previous issues more complicated. Unfortunately, after the policy of “Open-Door and Reform” were implemented, quite a few problems occurred afterwards, such as the arguments on Anti-bourgeois liberalization, responsibility of stagnancy political and economic system, loose party discipline, corruption, and so on. There was widespread discontent everywhere. Hence, Genaral Secretary Hu Yao-pang fell out of power due to the student’s strike at the end of 1986. With the support of Deng Hsiao-ping, his successor, Chao Tzu-yang, continued implementing the policy of “Open-Door and Reform”. He presented the theory of the Primary Stage of Socialism in the Thirteenth Party Congress to rationalize the basis of the policies of reform. However, the reformers worsened the relationship due to the arguments on Anti-bourgeois liberalization and personnel arrangement in the Thirteenth Party Congress. The failure of the price reform in 1988 resulted in the economic crisis; as a result, Chao Tzu-yang lost his iv decision-making in the economic field, and that even threatened his political status. For that reason, the conservatives ever requested Deng Hsiao-ping to replace General Secretary, Chao Tzu-yang. In the Tien-an-men Square Incident of 1989, the reformers headed by Chao Tzu-yang were on the side of the students. Not only the conservatives but also Deng Hsiao-ping got irritated at his support for students. Accordingly, Chao Tzu-yang was arrested in prison afterwards. In the end, the top leaders of the CCP assigned the military force to suppress the student strike; there was no doubt that the reformers force suffered a setback. |