從國小、國中到高中12年的基礎教育中,數學在學校課程中扮演著舉足輕重的角色,除了是每個階段都必須修習的科目之一,也是大部分學生最感到困難與挫折的學科,可見數學教育的重要性是每一位從事教育工作者所不能輕忽的。 本研究主要的目的是依據筆者本身的教學經驗,針對高中生的家庭結構、入學背景、興趣等各項相關資料,利用統計方法中的卡方獨立性檢定與對數線性模型進行資料分析,以瞭解影響其高一數學學習成就之因素。 結果顯示,高中生的入學背景僅與高一上學期數學學習成就相關,與下學期的數學學習成就並無顯著相關。而學生對於數學的學習動機,與上下學期的學習成就皆有顯著的相關性。 From the elementary school to the senior high school, the mathematics course has the important role in the school education. It is one of the main courses which must be studied for every grade level and is also the course which most students feel difficult and discouraged. However, the importance of mathematical education should not be ignored and keep in mind for any educator. According to the author’s experiment of teaching mathematics, the data collection of this research is based on high-school student's family structure, background, interest, and so on. The statistical methods, like the Pearson chi-square test and the log-linear model are employed to analyze the factors that affect the mathematics achievement. The results show that student's background is related to the first semester's mathematics achievement only, but is not apparently in connection with next semester's mathematics achievement. And the motivation of studying mathematics will affect the mathematics achievement significantly.