根據行政院衛生署2009年統計,膀胱癌為台灣地區最常見的泌尿系統癌症且為國人主要癌症死亡排名第十三位。表淺型膀胱癌多為低惡性度癌症,大部分可以經尿道切除術切除,並輔以膀胱內灌注法預防腫瘤復發。我們感興趣的是膀胱癌輔以膀胱內灌注Thiotepa對於膀胱癌病患復發事件之療效,本篇使用退伍軍人管理局合作泌尿學研究團隊86個膀胱癌病患資料,為研究膀胱內灌注Thiotepa療程,對於膀胱癌病患復發的次數以及存活時間的影響,探討比較多維事件存活時間的三種邊際模型(marginal model):AG模型、PWP模型、WLW模型與脆弱模型(frailty model)。 According to the Department of Health statistics in 2007, Bladder cancer is the most common genitourinary tumor ranked at the thirteenth important cancer in Taiwan. Most tumors of superficial bladder cancer are low grade cancers which can be removed by transurethral resection, supplemented by intravesical therapy in order to prevent the recurrence. We are interested in the treatment effects of thiotepa to the 86 bladder cancer patients’ recurrence from Vetrans Administration cooperative urological research group. To investigate this research problem, we focus on three marginal models (AG model, WLW model, and PWP model) and frailty models approaches of multivariate survival data analysis. In addition to studying the effect of thiotepa to bladder cancer patients’ recurrence and survival times under different models, we compare the performance of these approaches as well.