現今商業競爭激烈,企業以傳統的方式製造和銷售導向為主的商業模式已不適用,取而代之的是帶給消費者使用商品的價值之外,也提供後續的服務流程,此一套系統稱為Product-Service-System(PSS)產品服務系統,將實體產品以及一系列的售後服務所組成來滿足顧客需求。 目前對於如何設計一套服務系統,提供適合企業自身評估或者是設計的流程步驟,明確的定義出生產者、消費者兩者在PSS系統的關係以及發展PSS流程所需要的方法和工具,在文獻上面較少為探討到。因此本研究希望透過Service Engineering(服務工程) 的系統概念,來發展並且設計出一套適合企業用的產品服務系統流程,同時利用UML建模工具,用來讓設計者有明確的系統架構和流程物件後,再利用Master Logic Diagram和GTST的方法來設計以及解構各個子系統的功能,並且融入產品生命週期的概念,希望達到永續發展的系統觀點,最後以手機產品為例,來做為產品服務系統的範例。In the age of globalization, the business environment has been more and more challengeable for corporate strategies, and it is neither suitable nor possible for companies to adopt only sales-oriented or manufacture-oriented strategy. Instead, they need a suitable solution which combines products and services with the intention to meet customers’ needs. Given the mentioned above, the relevant solutions concepts have been widely discussed in the management and marketing disciplines. Product service system concept is such a remarking solution to combine between product development and service system development, which has sparked many concerns from business process designers, product designers or new service system designers. Hence, in many academic researches, there are many papers about product service system, which helps system designers or PSS practitioners understand the concept. However, researching about PSS framework or designing PSS steps has not been widely discussed in recent years. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the framework of PSS, and moreover we want to design PSS framework in a logic way through the service engineering and product life cycle concept. Meanwhile, we intend to help PSS practitioners to design service system, and make the concept implementable, so this thesis also utilizes the diagram of Unified Modeling Language (UML), along with Goal Tree Success Tree combining Master Logic Diagram to draw the concept of PSS and demonstrate mobile phone product as a validation case.