近年來科技的進步,使得人們對於科技產品之需求與依賴日趨上升,也同時提升了全球半導體產業之技術與服務,在現今這講求服務之年代,單純以高技術與品質將無法完全滿足客戶的需求,因此整個半導體供應鏈中之每個成員,如何以運用自身之權力來源達到高度和諧的合作關係,並同時提升彼此之營運獲利已成為現代每個企業體是否能夠在市場中勝出之關鍵。 本研究經由相關文獻探討,彙整過去相關學者之研究著作,建立一理論之研究架構,以半導體之封裝廠作為研究對象,利用問卷實地深度訪談之方法,探討晶圓廠與封裝廠之間是否存在權力關係,而其權力關係是否影響了彼此的合作關係,進而更深層的影響報價策略。 研究結果:各項權力來源中,封裝廠作業人員對於專家權的感受較為不顯著,而其他權力來源感受則較為顯著。而強制權將影響其彼此的合作關係;法定權與參考權亦也會影響彼此間的合作關係,而報價模式中則發現以中立式訂價為主要方式,而信任程度、法定權與參考權皆會影響報價策略。 關鍵字:通路權力、合作關係、報價策略、半導體In recent years, by the progress of technology, people’s demand and reliance for the scientific and technological products increase day by day. This tendency enhances the technology and service of Semiconductor Industry around the world. In the time of emphasizing service, customers won’t be satisfied only by technology and quality. Therefore how will each member in the whole semiconductor supplies chain reach highly harmonious cooperation by using their own power source and improve mutual operation simultaneously? It becomes the key of making profit in the market. This research began with discussing and integrating relevant references. Then we build up a framework based on IC Packaging. Then by using the questionnaire designed for interview employees, we discussed whether the power relationship between IC Fab Facilities and IC Packaging affected the cooperation relationship or the further Quotation Strategy. Finally we made some conclusions as below: 1. The Expert Power didn’t influence the employees of IC Packaging as much as other power. 2. The relation of Coercive Power and cooperation is existed. 3. The relation of Legitimate Power and Referent Power is existed. 4. In Quotation model, we found the main mode is neutral pricing. Furthermore the degree of confidence, Legitimate Power and Referent Power will influence Quotation Strategy. Keywords:Power sources, Cooperative Relationship, Quotation Strategy, Semiconductor