摘要: | 投影機市場在近幾年逐漸由商用及教育市場走向較低價的家庭電影院及可攜式市場,在全球投影機產品強調低價化潮流的情況下,國際大廠為降低成本,提高利潤,將業務重心置於行銷策略上,而將設計、製造及採購等代工業務紛紛釋出給具生產成本競爭力的台灣投影機廠商。 台灣投影機廠商大體可分為週邊產品發展類、光機引擎製造類及投影機主力產品發展類型,而其中光機引擎是決定接單多寡及產品定位走向的一大關鍵,但投影機在台灣發展的歷程較短,受到專利及人力技術的限制,對於關鍵零組件光機引擎佔整體投影機成本比重高逹70%以上來看,需要更多的購料成本與庫存資金,所以不乏仰賴外購以解決龐大成本之壓力,而以OEM及ODM為主之台灣投影機廠商,多以MTO為其生產策略,客戶之需求通常為少量多樣,因此相對於外部供應鏈流程及內部流程管理就顯得非 常重要,其目的為逹到滿足客戶最大需求、最低庫存成本及最高生產效率。 本研究以個案公司與委外供應商間所遭遇的問題來進行流程改善,透過ARIS工具繪製現行(AS-IS)作業模式與導入SCOR後之改善流程(TO-BE),在各流程作業之效益分析上進行探討,以期解決供貨品質不穩、交期延誤、庫存成本增加..等問題,提升其供應鏈體系整體競爭力與協同運作的機制,進而逹成客戶最佳滿意度需求,在整體市場運作中仍能受國際大廠親睞,創造高利潤報酬。Today with the technology of low- cost home entertainment and personal portable projectors becomes more mature, projector brands gradually transfer their marketing focus on consumer marketing from office and education market. For launching price competitive products, leading global brands retain their all resources on sales and key optical components’ design, and outsource products mechanical design, procurement, and manufacturing functional business to well cost management Taiwan companies. Projector manufacturers in Taiwan can be categorized into: peripheral, optical engine and main products. Technologies and quality of optical engine are the key factors to manufactures to receive orders from brands. For the past few years, as lack of experience and technology to develop trendy optical components for optical engines of short-throw projectors, Taiwan manufacturers have to buy the authorized patent rights and acquire key optical components from international leading makers, for example, Texas instrument technology and 3M. The cost for an optical engine is over 70% of a finished projector. As so, we outsource optical engine to solve the problems for reducing the semi-finished materials and stock of costs. Also, since customer needs high mix/low volume products and the strategies of MTO are widely be adopted in Taiwan OEM/s/ODM/s projector industry, well management supply chain and efficient internal control become very essential to cost management. Our goal and vision are to meet the demands of customers with a very short lead time and minimum inventory cost and production efficiency. This research focuses on the collaborative commerce on the supply chain. In this case, the projector manufacturer, the company, has problems on quality, late deliveries, costs, communication with its key component suppliers. By using ARIS model to analyze AS-IS and TO-BE (after implementing SCOR) in operations, the problems can be effectively solved. With customer satisfaction increase, the profit can be, expectedly, consistently raised. |