本研究主要探討物流中心(Distribution Center;D.C.)的揀貨問題,根據Ho與Chien(2006)的揀貨環境為藍圖,探討加入無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification;RFID)後所增加揀貨上的彈性,其中,在此環境中所具備的主要特性為:倉儲揀貨區域被分為若干個獨立的揀貨區域,而每個揀貨區域一次只能容納一位揀貨人員。因此,如何規劃出最佳的揀貨路徑策略,將影響揀貨作業的效率。 近年來有許多新技術的產生,其中RFID所具備的即時資訊傳遞特性在許多行業皆有其應用,尤其在物流業中應用普及,在物流中心的揀貨作業中,揀貨人員根據系統傳達的揀貨資訊來進行揀貨,因此揀貨資訊的傳送將攸關揀貨作業的成效,本研究即根據RFID的特性改善過去環境的部分限制,應用在物流中心的揀貨作業上,期望能提升揀貨作業的績效,使整個揀貨系統執行的更有效率。 吾人將焦點放在,探討具備RFID的揀貨新環境與原始環境中之揀貨效率有何差異,其中包含揀貨環境中的揀貨區域環境以及揀貨策略改善與基礎比較對象Ho與Chien(2006)所使用的彈性揀貨路徑策略之模擬實驗結果有何不同,以系統總執行時間、總揀貨距離以及總揀貨時間等三個績效評估準則進行比較。The focus of this study is to discuss the picking problem of logistics center (Distribution Center; DC), we quote the picking environment in research of Ho and Chien (2006) as a blueprint and add radio frequency identification system (RFID) to increase flexibility, in this environment, the main characteristics: warehouse picking area is separated into many independent picking areas, and each picking area can accommodate one picker once. Therefore, how to plan the best strategy of picking path will affect the efficiency of order picking. In recent years, we have seen many new technologies in the industries. The RFID has the application in different kinds of industries with instant transmission characteristics of information. We find that it is common in the logistics. In the process, picker bases on the system to convey information in order to implement picking. Therefore, the transmission of information has to do with the effectiveness of picking. In this research, we improve the part constraints of past environment and apply it to pick in the logistics center. We hope that it can not only enhance the performance of picking but also make the whole system of picking be more efficient. I will focus on a new environment with RFID about picking problems and discuss efficiency of the new and original environment of the differences. Improve of new environment with RFID including picking zone and picking strategies. Comparison with Ho and Chien (2006) the use of dynamic zone-visitation sequencing (DZVS) strategy simulation results the difference of performance evaluation criteria in the total system execution time, total distance and total order picking time.