今年又是蘋果的大事記,她陸續公布iPad 神奇的新產品及iPhone4新世代產品,因為每次當蘋果公司推出新產品,總是讓其粉絲抱著很大的期望及注目的眼光,也讓新產品上市後都讓其粉絲為之驚呼及搶先購買及人手一機。為何它如此迷人,這其中一定有它的獨特之道,令人值得探討。目前時下流行的電子產品中, 蘋果品牌佔據大部分的市場,產品的使用與消費模式往往反映出人們生活型態、人格特質及社會角色。 自從Apple 這個名詞已經響譽全球,許多愛好蘋果產品的消費者不時跟隨著產品的最新訊息跑,只要一公布新產品訊息,蘋果消費者馬上蜂湧而上,確認不會錯失購買新產品的機會。因而常常造成一股蘋果旋風,本研究要探討的是消費者對於蘋果品牌的深入度的分析,深究從蘋果產品的組合推展至蘋果迷不同沉浸度的高低研究與其品牌個性、人格特質面向及社會上的前衛問題的認知度是否顯著差異。再者研究蘋果迷不同沉浸度與精品或商品的偏好程度。 結果發現不同蘋果沉浸度消費者在「品牌個性認知」四構面及「前衛問題」都有顯著性差異。但在人格特質上只有「開放性」有顯著差異,而不同蘋果沉浸度與精品或商品並無顯著相關。但有從另一方面去合併分群區別不同蘋果沉浸度對於精品或商品的品牌偏好差異。2010 is the year for Apple again! It just released the stunning iPad and iPhone4 separately and successfully. Each launch excites ultimate anticipation and ecstasy to its enthusiasts and fans. The Apple fans always were excited new product launch in market and line up to purchase the product in mid night just because they want to become forerunner for Apples. Apple Brand is famous in the world. Does everybody chase after Apple? Who chases after Apple? What kind of personality do the Apple fans have? Therefore, we try to realize thru this research: This research examined if the Apple immersed Level related to personality trait、brand personality, avant-garde as well as brand preference. Meanwhile, we also take into consideration of the demographics influence to study if the Apple immersed level drives any significant influence on their preference on luxury merchandise. The followings are attempted and investigated from the research: 1.What’s the consumer immersed level of Apple brand? 2.The difference of Apple immersed level which is based on different combination & usage of Apple product by fans. 3.The relationship with Apple immersed level among brand personality、personality trait and avant-garde event cognitive which have significant influence. Through quantitative research of questionnaires, this research has several findings: 1.The Apple immersion has significant influence with personality brand 、personality trait and avant-garde factor. 2.Among these personality traits, the “openness” factor has significant impact on the Apple immersion. 3.As far as luxury commodities for combination with Apple immersed level, it shows partial insignificant for two effects influence.