本研究針對不同年齡層與不同經濟依照研究者任職商業保險公司多年之經驗與輔助之試算軟體提出適合之商業保險方案,目的是提供個人老年生活經濟保障的決策參考。 本研究共針對一般的年輕人、選擇不結婚的年輕人、壯年人以及屆退者分別提出不同之商業保險方案,包含投資型、儲蓄型以及年金型的商業保險型態。並說明各個方案之實際內涵。而研究的結果則發現商業保險確實可以提供較社會保險或企業年金更高的需求彈性,為不同需求之個人提供真正適合的老年經濟保障。This research suggests several business insurance solutions that sorted by ages and demands by the researcher’s specialty, experience and spreadsheet software. The purpose is to protect individual source of income of old age. The types of needs this research pays attention to are common young people about 25 to 35, young people who won’t married, middle-aged, and empty-nesters. The insurance products this research recommended include investment linked-insurance products, deposit insurance, and annuity insurance.