企業併購可使公司迅速擴張或達成策略目的,但也伴隨著失敗的風險。而跨國的企業併購更潛藏著文化差異所造成的隔閡。本研究以個案方式探討外商企業在併購華人企業時因為文化差異以及華人社會特有的「關係」因素造成併購案失敗。 本研究發現文化因素所造成的組織文化差異會在企業併購時造成衝擊,而「關係」則會在外商併購華人企業的初期有緩衝文化衝突的效果,但也可能產生隱匿衝突而導致企業文化整合速度趨緩的影響。Merge and acquisition (M&A) not only drives cooperate get advantage and achieve strategic goals, but often accompanies the risk of fail. Cases of cross-border mergers acquisitions also bear the risk of the cultural difference. This research investigates failure M&A of multinational corporate merging Chinese companies by the view point of cultural difference and “Guanxi”. This research finds the cultural gap between companies will impact both sides in M&A, and “Guanxi” may buffer the shock but conceal the problems that are solvable after the M&A.