Abstract: | 摘 要 本研究的目的在於發展創造的學習歷程模式,從文獻探討整理過去的創造歷程模式,分類為「心理歷程觀點」與「社會互動觀點」,發現創造歷程模式漸漸朝向容納各因素的匯合取向,且都具有共通的「循環」特質,形成繼續投入創造造歷程的循環。本研究針對此特質,探討其中的變化歷程。研究方法採取解釋型多重個案比較的研究方式,以參與觀察的方式蒐集資料,用「問卷」、「訪談」、「討論區文件分析」多元資料進行三角檢證,從「創造發展背景因素」、「創造歷程變化」以及「創造歷程後的改變」三方面進行探討。 研究對象為某大學修習「教學媒體與操作」的28位教育學程學生,創意任務為「創意多媒體影片網站製作」,進行時間為一學期。研究結果發現學生在創造歷程中「動機」與「策略」的顯著變化,以及學生創造力觀念的內涵,最後發展出本研究所發展的創造學習歷程變化模式。 一、針對學生的創造力背景訪談交叉分析,發現認為自己沒創意的學生,皆提及了家庭與求學過程的壓抑經驗,因此研究者針對學生長久以來的創造力觀念進行探索。 二、針對學生的「創造力觀念」進行編碼分析,發現具有「內隱評估歷程」與「外顯評估歷程」兩方面,前者又分為「內省創新」與「創意實踐的評估」兩方面概念;後者則有「相對的原創」與「外在回饋觀摩型塑」兩個概念。這四方面的概念會形成「創意自由定位」與「創意束縛矛盾」兩種傾向。此分析結果也更深入理解學生評價自己是否為有創意的人的原因。 三、在創造歷程中的變化,發現學生在「動機」中的「功課作業價值」與「自我效能期望」都有顯著提升。而在「策略」方面,在「後設自我調節」方面也有顯著變化,且從效果值的分析中,可以發現整個歷程中,「策略」方面,有漸漸朝向高層次後設認知策略過渡的趨勢變化。 四、完成創意任務後,學生在「圖形創造力」中「流暢力」、「獨創力」、「變通力」、「精進力」都有顯著提升。從訪談中,也發現學生意識到自己本身創造力與創造力觀念的變化,並表達強烈繼續願意投入的意願。 研究結果根據學生創造歷程的變化,歸納出課程中影響其變化的因素,最後發展出「創造學習歷程變化模式」,以更瞭解過去創造歷程模式中循環歷程中的變化情形。研究最後提出未來研究的方向與實務上的建議。 Abstract The purposes of this study were to develop the model of creative learning process. From literature review, researcher found that the “circulation” is the main common characteristic in models of creative process. Based on this characteristic, the study discussed the change of creative process. Research method was explanatory multiple-case studies. Participant observation, questionnaire, interview, and portfolio of web-based forum were used to collect data. It was used to make triangulation from three aspects, including “the factors of creative background”, “change of the creative process”, and “the change of creativity”. The objects of this study were 28 college students of "Introduction and Application of Instructional Media". The creative task was to make “creative multimedia video web site ” in the semester. The results of this study were as follows: 1.In the aspect of factors of creative background, it is found that these students who recognized themselves as non-creativity people all mentioned the constrained experiences of family and education. So that researcher focused on the students’ notion about creativity to investigate deeply. 2.After analyzing the students’ notion about creativity, it was found that there had two main categories, which were “inner hiding evaluation process” and “external revealable evaluation process”. Former was divided into two concepts, which were “introspective innovation” and “evaluation of realizing creative ideas”. Latter were also divided into two concepts, which were “relative originality” and “molding of external feedback and observation”. These four concepts would gather two opposite categories which were “freely creative localization” and “creative fetter consciousness”. The analysis of students’ notion about creativity provides the deeper understanding that students evaluate whether they are creative people. 3.In the aspect of the change in creative processes, the result was presented that some change had produced. From begin to middle of the semester, there has significant difference in “task value”(t=-2.708,p<.05, effect=.54) and “self efficacy for learning and performance ”(t=-2.176,p<.05, effect=.43); From middle to final of semester, there has no significant difference, but the mean is promotional; From whole semester, there has significant difference in “task value” (t=-2.660,p<.05, effect=.71) and “self efficacy for learning and performance ” (t=-2.929,p<.01, effect=.69). Besides, there has significant difference in “meta-cognitive self- regulation” of creative strategies (t=-2.072, p<.05, effect=.50).This result also revealed that the students’ creative strategies developed for high level meta- cognitive strategies gradually. 4.In the aspect of change in creativity, it was revealed significant progress in graphical fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Students also thought that they had frontal change in creativity and creative notion. The result of this study constructs “the model of creative changeful learning processes” to understand the change of creative “circulation” processes. Finally, researcher finds some factors of promoting frontal change in the creative process to be the reference of course design in the future. |