本研究源自一個匯聚各地中學生參與的網路科學探究的合作學習,在每週與組員討論任務的互動過程中,從彼此完全陌生,到逐漸關切組員是否重視小組而展現行動力的歷程。利用訪談稿和討論區資料做言談分析,同時採用實踐社群和社型理論為探照鏡,揭露參與心和實踐力落差下的兩類組員,守家者和斷續參與者,如何各取所需的結合,使雙方願意持續上線學習;又怎麼透過對話協商,取得合作時的共識和默契;最後一週共同作者敲定前的喊價拉鋸,組員們對彼此的向心力和貢獻度下註解的歷程,反映了什麼樣的權力議題和價值觀?組員在具化小組認同感時,如何對共同作者資格進行意義賦予,例如學習到作為一名關切小組的組員,究竟該在意什麼,做到什麼,才夠資格成為共同作者?從中捕捉湧現的小組認同樣貌。 This study is a web-based collaborative science inquiry which clustered with the high school students to participate in. In their interactive process of every week which discussed their task, group members from completely unfamiliar with each other, to gradually concern about if their members respect their group and show their actions. Using of the data from interview and discussion forum to do discourse analysis, and also the theories of community of practice and sociation as the searchlight, to explores how the two kinds of members, proactive and ins and outs who have different contributions takes what he needs to enable both sides to continue online learning, and how, through dialogue and negotiation to collaborate and achieve their common consensus; before the decision-making process of co-authorship in the end of the activity, the bids between the two kinds of person reflected what kinds of power issues and values? How the group members given meaning for the qualification of co-authorship. For instance, being a member who attach importance to his group, what he should concern of in order to qualified as the co-author. Thus enable the researcher to capture of the group identity from inside.