本研究擬探討新進教師在初入校園時,所面臨之工作壓力與教師解決方式為何,以及其對專業發展的看法與建議為何,進而根據結果提供更適切的教師專業發展方案之參考。主要研究目的有二: 一、 了解大學新進教師的工作壓力來源、對教師的影響與解決方式,並依據其結果提供教師管理壓力與降低教師工作壓力之解決方案。 二、 分析本校新進教師對專業發展的看法,關注新進教師在專業知能上的需求,提供更適切的教師專業發展,落實專業與發展的雙重目標。 為達上述目的,本研究以「深度訪談」做為主要研究方法與蒐集資料方式,佐以「問卷調查」與「文獻分析」蒐集相關資料,客觀並詳實的建構出新進教師如何紓解工作壓力、教師對教師專業發展的看法以及教師在社群中學習的軌跡為何,進而根據上述資料結果視為修正現行教師專業發展計劃的依據,提供大學機構建立一套制度完善的教師專業發展的建議。 研究結果發現,大學新進教師初入校園時,所感受到工作壓力的來源包含「教學不如預期」、「時間不夠用」、「研究本身就是壓力」與「評鑑標準不清」等,但這些壓力源又會因教師個人的背景與信念,而有不同的影響,連帶的,其解決策略也會有所不同。最重要的是,教師們遇到壓力,必須有屬於自己排解壓力的方式,否則很容易因為壓力的累積而造成身心上的影響。 另一方面,若能在了解教師壓力與需求後,發揮持續發展的功能,且行政單位催化教師學術社群的形成,並改變教師的信念,讓教師具有身為教師的自覺,以及重新審視評鑑標準,使之具有彈性,才能讓教師專業發展方案更加的完善與達到專業與發展的目標。 The purposes of this study are four folds: (1) to investigate the working pressures which novice teachers encounter; (2) how they deal with the pressures; (3) to illustrate their viewpoints and suggestions about professional development; and (4) to provide implications for future professional development of teachers. To achieve the above mentioned purposes, the qualitative method of semi-conducted interview was conducted in order to describe the whole picture from novice teachers’ own perspectives. The findings of research showed that when these novice teachers was starting to teach, the working pressure mainly comes from four sources, e.g. teaching performance is not as good as he or she expected, time is always not enough, the pressure of conducting a research all by themselves, and the ambiguous tenure requirement. But interestingly enough, these pressures have different impacts on different teachers, which will consequently result in different strategies to solve their problems. The point is that teachers seems to have their own ways of alleviating stresses, otherwise these accumulated pressures will certainly have negative impacts on them, either physically or emotionally. Finally, the implications based on the results of this study are discussed.