航空運輸業因應高油價時代來臨,面臨日益增加的操作成本及產品價格因產業彼此競爭加劇而降低了利潤。由於航空公司係屬服務業,對於顧客的意見相當重視且對於整體顧客滿意度的提昇顯得相形重要。現行各航空服務業均普遍應用電子商務提供資訊整合服務、產品行銷及業務流程自動化以大幅降低營運與銷售成本,建構虛擬的電子銷售通路以增加企業整體營收外,也讓企業更加貼近顧客,進而培養顧客忠誠度。因此乘著電子商務之虛擬通路實行銷售實體產品的同時,藉由電子商務以加速企業自身形象的傳遞,亦是企業品牌傳播與形象塑造的絕佳時機。航空公司極需要良好品牌形象的塑造和聲譽,除了持續維持電子商務之線上品牌形象外,如何守住既有的顧客群,並主動吸引其它待開發的顧客上門購買機票,將是航空公司未來得持續引以為重的首要問題。 本研究以行動商務應用至航空訂位購票與資訊整合服務為主要研究方向,探討未來航空服務業於行動商務的發展趨勢,應以個人化的特性進而提昇行動商務的價值,讓電子商務不再受限於預定的地方,變成可行動的電子商務允許在各地運用。因此於提出行動商務之應用策略的同時,也一併實現無紙化之服務模式,將可加速資訊服務之傳遞效率,提昇航空之商業模式的價值。本研究將從行動商務之各種功能服務層面,進行分析以提出行動商務的應用策略,於個案公司-長榮航空公司的立場,根據個案公司的背景,透過不同構面進行探討及分析。 For the coming era of high oil price, increasingly higher operation cost and lower profits caused by keen competition are the main difficulty facing the air transportation industry. As a member of service industry, an airline company values customer suggestions and pursues greater customer satisfaction. Nowadays, airline companies have applied the electronic commerce technology in the integration of sales, marketing, services and business flow automation to lower their cost. By constructing virtual sales channels, the airline companies can build up their brand image and reputation and become more and more close to their customers. In the meantime, the airline companies also have to think how to keep their customers loyal and how to attract more new customers. This study focuses on the application of mobile commerce in airlines’ reservation and ticketing services. By discussing the development trend of mobile commerce, we can understand the influence of technical evolution and identify the appropriate business model and strategy to apply this technology for realizing a seamless, paperless value chain of the airline companies.