數位內容的產生,儲存及散播徹底的改變我們的生活及世界,這種影響與印刷及工業革命相比,可說有過之而無不及,這可稱之為”數位化革命”的過程,也替我們帶來無限的可能性及不可忽視的挑戰,而我們認為語言將在這波革命中,將扮演舉足輕重的角色。數位內容雖然提供了自然語言處理的可能性,但同時為了能有效應用及利用數位內容,我們需開發更多自然語言處理工具,然而目前的問題是並未有足夠的資源與工具可協助有效利用龐大的數位內容。此計畫將提出一創新的語言知識庫,稱為StringNet,我們將致力於如何運用StringNet,期望能加值數位內容並有效提升數位內容的使用。此計畫主要有兩個目的,(1) 開發StringNet:除了利用既有的StringNet 知識庫,我們也將提出更多新的語言知識,加入至StringNet 中,(2)利用StringNet 開發可加值數位內容的應用程式。此外,由於目前的StringNet 所使用的語言為英文,我們也將計畫加入其他語言,尤其是中文,如此可將相同的技術運用在中文的數位內容上。為了能夠簡化建立其他語言及語料StringNet 的步驟,我們也將開發一工具稱為StringNet Builder,希望能藉此加速StringNet 的建立及與其它研究團體的合作。 Digitalization, combined with the means of creating, storing, and disseminating digital content, has wrought radical changes throughout every corner of the civilized world. Arguably the extent of this influence rivals the invention of printing and the Industrial Revolution. With this ‘digital turn’ have come both unprecedented opportunities and pressing challenges, and a substantial portion of both are related to language. Digitalization creates the possibility of processing language by computational means, yet at the same time it raises the need for developing the computational techniques that can do this. The proposed project targets an extremely specific and persistent bottleneck in the computational processing of language. Resolving this bottleneck has broad implications for substantially enhancing the potential and value of digital content in novel ways. We address this bottleneck with a new language knowledge resource called StringNet. More specifically, the proposed project builds upon our recent creation of first version of StringNet for two purposes: (1) to develop the next generation of StringNet and (2) to develop the first generation of StringNet applications that will directly enhance digital content for a variety of purposes. Further, while the current StringNet is an English knowledgebase, the computational approach we have used to create StringNet can be used to create StringNets for other languages. This raises two possibilities that we will exploit in the project. First, we will create StringNet Builder, which will provide the service of creating StringNets for other languages. Second, we plan to create a Chinese StringNet and a first generation of applications on Chinese digital content. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007