本研究以創意思考螺旋做為機器人課程設計架構,探討機器人課程下的師生互動行為模式,以了解課程目標的執行成效。在「奇獸島大冒險」機器人課程中,課程時間共計4小時,研究對象為一名五歲男童及一名幼教老師,並以Topobo、師生互動行為編碼表、行為觀察紀錄表和評分者觀察一致性記錄表等作為研究工具。資料收集方式採用錄影方式收集資料,並使用序列分析法分析師生互動歷程的行為模式。研究結果顯示在師生互動行為頻率中,「遊戲」行為出現次數最多,教師「引導」行為次之,而教師「修正錯誤」行為出現次數最少。在師生互動行為中出現顯著的序列模式有教師「引導」學生後,學生會出現「組裝」或「遊戲」行為;而教師的「提問」能引發學生「表達與分享想法」或「發現問題與問題解決」;學生「表達與分享想法」後會開始進行「遊戲」;除此之外,當學生出現「發現問題與問題解決」的行為後,會引發教師的「引導」以及「修正錯誤」行為。顯示在機器人課程中,教師的引導策略能觸發學生建造和遊戲行為,且透過教師的提問能夠刺激學生表達想法與反思,並透過提供學生分享的機會,提升學生遊戲的動機。 This study used creative thinking spiral as the framework of the Topobo robot course. This study tended to find out the teacher-student interaction behavior patterns in this course, and evaluated the effectiveness of the Topobo course. The research sample included a five years old child and a preschool teacher. The programmable bricks, Topobo, were the main learning material in this course, and the sequential analysis method was used to find out teacher-student interaction patterns. The results showed that according to the frequency of the teacher-student interaction, the two behaviors, student’s “play” and teacher’s “guidance” appeared most often. Moreover, the result of sequential analysis showed that teachers’ guidance would help student to assemble or play Topobo bricks. Additionally, teacher’s questions would encourage student to express and share his ideas, or find and solve the problems. Besides, it was found that expressing and sharing ideas were important behaviors before children play Topobo bricks. It was also found that teacher’s guidance could enhance student’s “assemble” and “play” behaviors, and teacher’s questions could arouse student’s behaviors, like: express, share, and reflect their ideas. Besides, in this study, teacher’s guidance would significantly showed up after student showed some problems he found. The results illustrated through providing student opportunities to share ideas, student’s motivation in the course cold be enhanced.