本研究為探究接受不同自我解釋教學組合之國小六年級學童,在閱讀說明文的理解表現有何不同、以及所產出的自我解釋內容又有何異。本研究採2×2雙因子實驗設計,透過教師示範的有無以及文本提示的差異,建構四種不同教學情境,以桃園縣中壢市某國小120名六年級學童為研究對象,進行四組實驗教學、自我解釋活動、以及閱讀理解測驗,藉以蒐集學童的自我解釋口語資料及閱讀理解測驗得分。自我解釋語料之分析,以六項策略類型進行編碼並計算學童在前、後測所運用的次數;閱讀理解表現之分析,以二因子共變數分析四組教學中兩個獨變項之影響。研究結果顯示,接受具教師示範與特定性提示教學組合的學童,其閱讀理解表現與自我解釋的運用及品質,皆優於其他三組,表示在自我解釋的教學中,教師的示範與特定性提示的加乘效果對於學童在學習自我解釋策略,以及閱讀說明文的理解表現上是有助益的。 The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of teacher modeling and textual prompts on 120 sixth-grade students’ self-explanation and reading comprehension performance after receiving the training of self-explanation. The participants were divided into four experimental groups: Group MS (with modeling and specific prompts), Group MG (with modeling and general prompts), Group TS (with traditional teaching and specific prompts), and Group TG (with traditional teaching and general prompts). Upon these four different conditions, this study analyzed the types of self-explanation that students use, and compared the scores of reading comprehension tests among four groups. The results indicate that the students received the combination of teacher modeling and specific prompts (Group MS) had a greater gain from the pretest to the posttest in reading comprehension tests. Furthermore, Group MS generated self-explanations better in quality than three other groups. It is suggested that while in the training of self-explanation, the combination of teacher modeling and specific prompts would help students in learning self-explanation strategy and improve the reading comprehension of expository texts.