利用配件與圖板構成的桌上遊戲引導學生學習遊戲設計,有助於瞭解遊戲的機制、內涵,並培養學生創造思考與合作的技能,但是很少有研究從教學和課程活動設計的角度來看如何引導學生設計桌上遊戲。 本研究採用專題式合作學習進行桌上遊戲設計課程,以北部某大學的51位師資培育學生為研究對象,實施每週兩小時,共計十七週的專題製作課程,進行方式以實體課程搭配有網路非同步與同步討論功能的平台作為學習輔助工具。 研究者以助教角色從旁協助並觀察學生學習狀況。瞭解學生的參與表現及小組討論資料,並在遊戲設計前後,使用問卷和評分表,反應課程實施對學生自我效能的影響和課程感受,研究結果發現,學生的操作和設計自我效能皆有顯著提昇、對課程的進行方式的滿意度高,課程結束後能持續應用所學於教學實務上,且合作討論的多元學習方法有助於增進學生的溝通與創造能力,研究最後依據課程過程的分析與觀察,提出日後可應用於桌上遊戲設計課程執行上的具體建議。 The use of board games in game design was beneficial for students to understand the mechanisms and content of the games, and to develop creative thinking and cooperation skills. However, few studies from curriculum design perspective to explore how to guide students to design board games. In this study, project-based cooperative learning was applied in the board game design course. Fifty-one pre-service teachers in a university in northern Taiwan participated in this study. This is a two-hour course per week, and the course lasted for seventeen weeks. During the course, the learning platform with online synchronous and asynchronous discussion functions was applied to support students’ learning.The researcher took the role of teaching assistant, and observed students’ learning. The data of students’ participation and group discussion recorded by the online discussion platform, collected from questionnaires, and observation, were used to analyze students’ perceptions and self-efficacy in this course. The result showed that students’ self-efficacy in operating and designing board games were enhanced, and students were satisfied with the course. Moreover, after the course, it was found that the students would apply the skills learned in the course into the practical educational fields, and multiple ways for group discussion were beneficial for students to improve their communication and creativity. In the final, some suggestions were proposed for future studies about the design of board game design course.