台灣客家流行音樂有幾個特色,首先是傳統音樂元素的保留,其次是詞作強調族群特色,以及自成一格的市場發展。到底客家流行音樂究竟是如何發展現在的模樣的? 本論文將1981年迄今的客家音樂發展當作書寫重點,將台灣唱片業及政治力這兩個背景因素理出,,試圖分析作用於客家流行音樂的力量,並建構客家流行音樂生產場域的生產慣習,討論生產慣習如何形構客家流行音樂。為此訪談許多音樂工作者以及從業人員,發現此場域內的生產慣習隨時改變。在時代變遷下,客家音樂工作者因為自己的出身背景有不同方式來面對環境的改變,並且找出方法持續在客家流行音樂場域中競爭資源。 Hakka popular music in Taiwan has several characteristics.At first,it Preserved elements of traditionalmusic.second,Lyrics emphasized ethnic characteristics.Third,Hakka popular music has its own market. Focusing on Development and Formation of Hakka popular music from 1981 until now,this research found that Political power and Taiwan popular music affected Taiwan Hakka popular music.This research also try to understand habitus in the field of Taiwan Hakka popular music .In order to know how did habitus form Hakka popular music,I interview some Taiwan Hakka popular music practitioners.In conclusion ,habitus always change.As time goes by,many different background practitioners of Hakka popular music always found their way to get more resources in the field of Taiwan Hakka popular music.