在國民生活水準提高、農產品多元的大環境下,農產品的行銷策略及規畫,以消費者需求為主軸,將情感和產品予以連結。本研究採用感性行銷五星理論,以客家地區關西鎮農產品為研究個案,發展關西農產品五星概念,探討各農產品的特色及具有潛力產品的發展空間。本論文採取問卷調查法、深度訪談法作為研究工具。研究發現:(1)故事性:關西農產品具和舊地名淵源、客家族群的連結。(2)關聯性:農產品具有客家元素、自然和地方性特質。(3)體驗性:活動內容設計呈現有趣、創意及參入客家特色元素。(4)價值性:客家精神的建立、地方組織以及提升農民利益為需求。(5)創意性:產品具有獨特性、多元化等。關西鎮農產品對於消費大眾而言不管是其品質、活動內容設計、和地方文化歷史聯結都有很好的評價,因此,可藉由感性行銷的傳遞價值、讓顧客產生忠誠度,且使顧客和生產者、銷售者能建立長期的消費關係。 In modern society, when living standards are better, and agriculture products are more abundant, the marketing strategies for these products need to be based on the needs, but also desires of the customers. This research adopts emotion marketing using five factors. It is based on agriculture products from Guanxi Township. It aims to develop the products, and to investigate each product’s features and assess potential development opportunities. The study methodology included in-depth interviewing and questionnaire investigation. The research finding were: (1) story: Guanxi agricultural products have connections to the names old geographic regions and the Hakka group. (2) Relation: agriculture products include Hakka characteristic elements, nature, and local special characteristics. (3) Experience: the activity contents have to be interesting, creative, and show Hakka characteristic elements. (4) Value: the demands are that products represent the essence of Hakka and local organizations, while also increasing profit for the local farmers. (5) Creativity: products are unique and diversified. Guanxi local agricultural products always receive good reviews from consumers with regard to quality, activity design content, and to local culture and history. Therefore, emotion marketing can help to transmit value, increase customers’ loyalty, and establish long term consumption relationships between customers, producers, and sellers.