由於現今的自然資源條件,再製造流程是各國強力發展的重點,在代替能源的發展下,再製造可以同時達到保育環境及經濟效應的目的,因此再製造技術皆廣泛的運用在全世界。由於再製造工程已成為許多公司必要發展之項目,因此整個逆物流流程裡之決策因子便相當重要,公司對於投入逆物流系統之成本和回收系統之回收流程皆是影響物流系統之重要因子。 本篇研究主要以Ferrer & Swaminathan ( 2006 ) 之單一製造商之逆物流系統做延伸,以動態期數觀察回收率、努力值和再製品數量對於整個物流系統之影響,回收率之大小皆反映在努力值及再製品數量上:回收率和努力值及再製品數量皆呈現正向關係,因此本篇研究利用回收率及努力值和回收率及再製數量之間的關係表達成數學式,導入動態規劃進行運算,來決定每期之最佳回收率,連帶的了解何者之努力值和再製數量對於系統之利潤為最好。 Owing to limited environment resources in the whole world nowadays, remanufacturing process has been a blooming development that many countries emphasis on. By developing remanufacturing, people can protect environment and bring economic profits for companies in the mean time. Therefore remanufacturing process has been one of the necessary developments which as a strategy in a company. In this way, decision factors are the most important elements for the whole reverse system. This research mainly takes Ferrer & Swaminathan’s Managing New and Remanufactured Products as background and focus on monopoly environment in two periods. Moreover the target of this study is to observe that how recycling rate, effort and remanufacturing change in the reverse system. Firstly, we apply dynamic programming into the mathematical model. Secondly, this research takes the relation of recycling rate, effort and remanufacturing into account. The profit would change as recycling rate, effort and remanufacturing quality changing.