封測業為半導體IC製造的後段作業,是一個成熟且趨近於收斂的產業,具有資本密集、注重品質、景氣高波動及高風險、產品多樣性。在如此競爭激烈且快速變化的環境下,如何能快速地將生產過程中取出有用的資訊,並加以整合利用,以支援決策的建立,解決其商業問題,並提升本身的核心能力,將為企業生存的關鍵所在。 半導體封測廠非常眾多,前十大封測廠分食全球60%市場,在競爭激烈的環境下,客戶議價能力非常高,因此削價競爭非常激烈。且半導體產品生命週期很短,客戶的訂單大多為少量多樣的產品,因產品的多樣性,機台設定頻繁,且所需製程也會有所不同,必須備妥許多不同類型的機台,才能因應客戶需求。 半導體封測業為重視生產的產業,企業內部有許多和生產製造有關的系統以及設備。這些各個獨立的系統以及設備,如何利用電腦、網路、通訊等技術整合,以發揮整體的效益。其中,電腦整合製造 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CIM) 扮演著非常重要的角色。 如何能夠成功導入適合企業使用的CIM系統,為企業獲得優勢的關鍵。本研究基於此目的,藉由個案研究法探討CIM的導入,研究發現在技術應用、高階主管方面與文獻發現相符,而在導入執行、內製系統則須考量產業特色及組織文化客制導入策略,作為企業決策依據及後續相關研究方向上的建議。 Semiconductor assembly and test industry is in the last process of IC manufacturing. It's a mature industry, and it trends to be convered. It has capital-intensive, focus on quality, high economic volatility, high risk, and product diversity, and other characteristics. In such a competitive and rapidly changing environment, how to quickly extract useful information in the manufacturing process, and to integrate, and to support the decision-making, to solve the business problems to enhance their core competencies, will be the key to business survival. Semiconductor assembly and test industry is the industry which is focused on manufacturing, and there're many systems which support manufacturing in the industry. How to integrate these independent systems by using the techniques of computer, network, and communication to take the overall efficiency? Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) acts the very important role for this part. The key for enterprises to gain the advantage is to help them successfully implement suitable CIM. For this purpose of this study, hoping to introduce CIM implementation by case studies to be used as reference for the enterprises, and providing suggestions for subsequent researches.