隨著網際網路的盛行,民眾已經逐漸習慣藉由網路來完成申辦政府業務,為 因應快速變遷的電子化時代,推動線上申辦服務是政府服務的新趨勢,希望藉由 多元化的線上申辦管道,提供更便捷與效率的便民服務。 本研究探討民眾對桃園縣政府線上申辦服務的需求與其使用行為的看法,調 查發現,政府提供的線上申辦服務與民眾的需求未達平衡;受訪者曾經使用過線 上申辦服務的比例偏低,在三成以下。且受訪者知道線上申辦服務卻從未使用此 服務的比例偏高,約有五成,推論其原因除了可能並無線上申辦服務的需求外, 亦可能是因為線上申辦的服務流程機制設計過程不符合受訪者的期待、擔心個人 資料安全性、系統操作的便利性與穩定性等問題。 本研究的主要目的是希望能夠從電子化政府相關文獻與統計數據的分析中, 瞭解民眾對線上申辦的需求與其使用行為,提供政府未來推動線上申辦服務的建 議。從調查結果分析,提出提高線上申辦的作業效能、加強線上申辦服務的行銷 推廣、提供民眾使用線上申辦的誘因、建立推廣績效獎懲機制、提高民眾對線上 申辦的滿意度等五項短期建議;以及兼顧申辦項目與服務功能的需求發展、規劃 特殊客群的線上申辦服務、建立長期追蹤檢討線上申辦服務的機制三項中長期建 議;希望相關建議能做為桃園縣未來推動線上申辦服務的參考,以提高民眾使用 線上申辦服務的意願以及對線上申辦服務的滿意度,讓電子化政府的應用真正深 入民眾的生活中。 With the popularity of Internet, people are getting used to complete governmental businesses via Internet. In order to respond to the rapid changing e-era, promoting online services is a new trend for the government, and hoping that through the various Internet application accesses, the government can provide a faster and more efficient service for its citizens. This study is to discuss about citizens’ needs and their opinions toward the usage of the Internet services of Taoyuan government. The study shows that there is an imbalance between the Internet services the government provides and the needs of its citizens. This study found that the ratio of using the online application services is low, which is about less than 30 percent. In addition, among those respondents who are aware of the online services, there are 50 percent of them who have never used them yet. Thus, this study concludes that other than the needless of the existence of the online services, the reasons could also be that the design of the application processing flow mechanism does not meet the respondents’ expectations, the respondents’ concern about the privacy, computer safety convenience, accessibility, and stability of the e-government services. From the results of the survey analysis, five short-term suggestions and three long-term advices are provided for Taoyuan government to better serve its citizens. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed at the end of this thesis.