在現今的社會中,電子商務的發展已經相當的成熟,而其中又以網路拍賣為世界上最普遍被使用的平台,但是網路交易不同於實體店鋪的交易,存在著買賣方的資訊不對稱以及信任的問題,因此發展出了回饋機制來彌補網路拍賣的缺陷。但是在這樣一個良好的機制底下,卻衍伸出了令人意想不到的問題,因為在買賣雙方經由回饋機制互相留下評價的同時,當次交易的許多內容都會被公開出來,像是商品名稱、商品價格等等的隱私資訊都會被一覽無遺。有鑑於此,拍賣平台推出了隱私保護機制這樣的線上服務來因應回饋機制所產生的問題,然而這樣的一個新的線上服務是否會被消費者採納,以及甚麼樣的情況下消費者會想啟用隱私保護機制成為本研究所關心的問題。 因此,本研究透過前人研究的理論,採用網頁內容探勘(Web Content Mining)的方式蒐集露天拍賣的交易資料,透過程式自動蒐集二十四種不同類別的商品交易資料,使用迴歸分析以及t檢定來討論消費者啟用隱私機制的前因。研究結果發現,對於不同種類的商品,消費者啟用隱私機制的情況也會有所差異,而高價商品相對於低價商品也有較高的啟用機率,其他買家啟用隱私機制的情況也會影響消費者是否啟用。 In today's society, e-commerce’s development is already quite mature. And the online auction is the most widely used platform. But trading on the internet is different from the physical store; there exist asymmetric information between buyer and seller. So the development of a feedback mechanism to compensate for defects in the online auction. However, under such a good mechanism also has some problem. Because when buyers and sellers use feedback mechanism and give evaluation for each other, many information of this transaction will be made public such as commodities’ names or commodities’ prices. For this reason, the auction platform launched online privacy protection services to solve feedback mechanism’s problems. But, dose this new online service accepted by consumers? In what situation does a consumer want to use privacy protection mechanisms? All above question will become issues of concern in this study. Therefore, this study through the theory of previous studies and use Web content mining to collect transaction data. Through the program automatically collect twenty-four kinds of different categories of goods transactions data. Use regression analysis and t-test to discuss the reason of use privacy protection. The results showed that, for different types of goods, consumers also have different privacy of a mechanism for the difference. High price commodities have more opportunity to use privacy protection than the lower one. And other buyer use privacy protection will also affect the result.