摘要: | 2009年年底全球景氣回暖,中國大陸許多企業的產能幾近滿載,因而紛紛面臨缺工的問題,同時間,大陸各省市紛紛不斷傳出調漲最低工資的消息。由江蘇省率先自2010年2月1日起調漲最低工資13%,使得在大陸多數的台商及內外資企業同時面臨缺工及生產成本提高的雙重壓力。大陸中西部的二、三線城市持續崛起發展,沿海地區企業缺工情況愈演愈烈,同時凸顯中國經濟的區域結構正在調整改變,故本研究針對屬於勞力密集產業的個案公司,未來如何因應大陸缺工問題進行分析探討。 本研究依據勞動力轉移理論架構進行探討與驗證,研究結果發現從勞動力供需的角度來看,由於中國實行一胎化,破壞了人口的正常結構,從2009年起,勞動力人口呈現逐年減少,造成勞動力供給不足的現象。其次,針對中國勞動市場缺工問題進行深入的分析,進而瞭解中國勞動力市場的供需狀況,再依據勞動力流動理論以及二元經濟理論進行分析,分析個案公司於中國勞動力短缺後,對個案公司的競爭力影響程度,最後進一步分析個案公司的經營模式,探討個案公司面臨勞動力的短缺,如何擬定因應策略。 故本研究希望藉由個案分析,達到以下三項研究目的:1).探討中國勞動力市場的未來發展。2).面臨中國勞動力市場轉移,研究個案公司採取何種策略解決勞動力不足的困境。3).探討個案公司如何改變在中國大陸的經營模式。個案C公司面臨缺工問題採取的因應策略,從公司改變投資的策略、人力合理化策略及招募模式改變的策略等三個方面著手。ㄧ、公司改變投資的策略:先行執行完成兩廠合一,再計劃評估將毛利較低的產品遷移至中西部的省份或週邊地區生產,達到策略性分散風險並能確保一定程度的低勞動成本。二、人力合理化策略包括:各部門須針對人力進行盤點,並且要將作業流程簡化,向內部人員宣導用更少的人,做更多的事,給更多的錢的觀念。三、招募模式改變的策略包括:部分人員改為勞務派遣。達到穩定用人來源成本和提高用人機制的靈活性。 針對個案C公司解決缺工問題的因應計畫的執行狀況,本研究提出以下之建議: 一、改變投資的策略:兩廠合一部份,擬定移轉計劃Milestone行程表及PIC(責任者),加速兩廠合一進行作業。工廠的局部遷移中西部省份部份,組成專案小組,加緊腳步實際進行廠房選地調研與比較評估。二、人力合理化策略:1.提高產線自動化程度:定期依據產品的特性,重新調整機器設備的配置,後段製程改為半自動化或者全自動化。2. 定時檢討薪資制度:定時透過調研機構取得市場薪資行情的資料,讓公司維持具競爭力的薪資制度。3. 將非核心製程外包:將製程並不是C公司的核心競爭優勢外包,資源集中核心競爭優勢上。三、招募模式改變的策略:與特定學校維持緊密的建教合作關係,考慮與海外的學校建立建教合作方案,培養海外基礎幹部。 Since Global Economic was getting improved by 2009, many Chinese enterprises were facing labor shortage because of full load capacity. At same time, most of provinces have to be increased their minimum wages. As an earliest, Jiangsu province increased their basic wage by 13% from February 1st, 2010. Most of Taiwanese and other enterprises were facing a huge pressure of cost up and labor shortage. Labor shortage along the coast became more and more serious since the secondary/third class cities of China Middle-West development rapidly. And then, transforming of regional economy structure is obvious. This study is focusing on one of intensive industry for labor shortage handling, analysis and more study. By labor transfer theoretical mode analysis and verification, from labor supply and demand point of view, population structure of Chinese had been changed by one child policy. And caused of the Labor Shortage is decreasing labor supply year by year from year 2009. On the other hand, by deep analysis of Chinese Labor Market shortage problem, we can understand labor supply/demand status on Chinese Labor Market. And then, according to Labor Floating theoretical mode and Dual Economical Theoretical Mode are clear to understand the consequences on competitive, operation mode and how to cope it. It is as a single case study for future policy initiation and decision making. By this single case study, purposes are: 1. Development and discussion future of Chinese labor market 2. Sampled company how to cope the dilemma of labor shortage by Chinese Labor transfer flow 3. How to compare the operation mode as a Taiwanese company in China Three aspects to analysis caused of labor shortage by investment policy, man power rationalization and recruitment improvement. 1. Investment Policy Change: to merge two operation sites as one, and to estimate low gross product transfer to inner China or surrounding region in order to distribute the risk of investment and reduce labor cost 2. Man Power Rationalization: man power structure has to be reviewed for efficiency improvement by procedure or flow simplification with less man power to get a good performance. To build up a concept as good payment, telnet people and good effectiveness 3. Recruitment Improvement: part of employee recruited as oursouring. Labor cost can be control in a certain level, and recruitment and employment can be done more flexible. To cop the labor shortage as a case study for C company, suggestions propose as below: 1. Investment Policy Change: to merge two operation sites as one. To accelerate transfer plan with better Milestone schedule with dedicated PIC(Personal in charge) in order to achieve the merge process. To form a team for have detail study as location selection, and any other comparison study as part of operation transfer to inner China or surrounding region in order to distribute the risk of investment and reduce labor cost 2. Man power Rationalization Policy: first, to increase productivity with automation improvement. To re-organize equipment and instrument by specification of product in a period time. Post process change to semi-automatic or fully-automatic process. Third, sub-contract deployment for low value added process. It is for concentration on own strengths with more resources of company, and outsourcing normal process that C company is not good at competitive product. 3. Recruitment Policy Strategy Improvement: to establish apprenticeship training program with some technology institutes, either from overseas or inside as part of management training program. |