隨著中國大陸新一輪的房地產調控政策的出爐,對於廣大房地產開發企業究竟何去何從,是業界普遍存在的疑問? 本研究通過個案-湯臣集團的經營實例分析,研究該個案在中國大陸市場中的競爭優勢、劣勢、機會和風險(SWOT),進以探討湯臣集團所採行產品、價格、通路和促銷(4P)策略的適切性。希望能拋磚引玉,引來大家更多的關注和思考,共同為中國大陸房地產的健康發展注入新的思想活力,探求新的改革發展之道。 在研究中發現個案公司正是在經營中注重 SWOT 與 4P 策略的分析,並能很好地運用於企業日常的經營中,使得企業得到良好的發展,成為業界的龍頭。無論企業身處何地、在怎樣的經營環境中,哪怕是對手林立,只要企業有強烈的意識注重自身競爭優勢、劣勢、機會和風險的分析總結,制定正確的產品、價格、通路和促銷策略,在任何地方任何環境中企業都能生存、發展與壯大。 With the new Chinese real estate policy hitting the market, real estate developers are wary of the future of the industry. In this study, we analyzed how a case company formulated its marketing strategies (product, price, place, and promotion) to reflect its internal strengths and weaknesses and to respond to market opportunities and threats. We discovered that the 4P strategies have been employed to make use of the case company’s strengths and market opportunities and to overcome its weaknesses and external threats. Our findings suggest that awareness of a firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will facilitate its successful deployment of marketing strategies. The study then should provide implications for real estate companies in China to explore new ways of doing business and develop their market strategies accordingly.