字典是輔助閱讀與字彙習得的重要工具。而電腦字典因其使用上之便利性已取代傳統字典成為現代人閱讀電子文本時最重要的輔助工具。然而,過去研究對於字典(包含電腦字典)之成效性尚未有一致的結果,有關學習者之語言程度對字典輔助學習成效之影響亦尚未有定論,此外,鮮少研究深入探討不同學習者使用字典(包含電腦字典)的認知歷程以及認知負荷,更鮮少有研究設計與開發有效的電腦字典使用策略以及電腦字典功能。因而,藉由瞭解學習者使用電腦字典輔助學習時的認知歷程與學習成效,進而發展出有效的字典輔助學習策略與字典功能,讓電腦字典成為便利與效能兼具的學習工具是重要且刻不容緩。本計畫將以認知負荷理論為理論基礎,以國內大學生為研究對象,以英文文章閱讀理解為學習任務,並以眼動儀作為探究認知歷程與認知負荷的工具,在三年八項實驗中研究下列議題。首先,探討不同型態之字典對學習者的認知歷程、認知負荷與學習成效的影響。其次,探討不同語言能力之學習者與使用不同型態之字典是否在認知歷程、認知負荷、以及學習成效上有交互作用。並歸納出有效的電腦字典輔助學習策略以及電腦字典功能。最後,依據認知負荷理論與前兩年的研究結果,設計電腦字典輔助學習策略與開發電腦字典功能並評估其成效。本計畫預期上述研究結果將兼具理論研究與實務應用價值。 Dictionary is an important tool of assisting reading and vocabulary acquisition. Because of its convenience in accessing the information, the programmed-installed technological-advanced pop-up computer-based dictionary has slowly gained its prevalence by replacing the conventional book dictionary and became the most important assisted-tool in modern world digitalized reading. However, previous results on the effects of dictionary (e.g., pop-up and other types of dictionary) varied greatly and exactly how individual language ability maybe have attribute to the controversial data is still being debated and inclusive. Also, few studies had investigated the cognitive process and cognitive loading during dictionary (includes pop-up dictionary) usage and even fewer studies had aimed to design and develop dictionary functions that promote effective learning strategy based on the empirical data. Therefore, the need to make the pop-up dictionary not only a convenient tool but also an effective tool has a significant immediacy requirement due to its increasing prevalence and broad future application on many digitized reading media. This proposed grant will be based on the cognitive load theory to investigate how college students use various types of dictionaries in assisting their second language (English) readings. Using eye tracking as the tool for measuring the reading process and cognitive loads, we plan to examine how the underlying cognitive process influences learning and to provide potential explanations as to the previous controversial dictionary results. In this three year project, eight experiments were proposed to look at the following issues: How do different types of dictionaries influence students’ cognitive process, cognitive loads, and learning performance? Whether the cognitive process, loads and performance will vary on individuals with different language abilities (high and low) while using various types of dictionary. Will there be an interaction between individual differences and dictionary types and that certain people learn better with a particular type of dictionary? For the high achievement users, what are the good reading behaviors or strategies used that leads to better performance? Based on the empirical data collected from answering the above questions along with the application of the cognitive load theory, we will design and develop dictionary functions that promote certain strategies and learning. Experiments will be run to test and verify the effect these functions and strategies. The results of this proposal have great significance in both theoretical perspectives and empirical advancement as well as have a great contribution in its application value and pedagogical advice provided. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107